Welcome to Curriculum Night! 6 th Grade Mr. Ball, Ms. DaRugna, Mrs. Schwalenberg and Mr. Wood
Daily Schedule 6 th Grade Schedule :35 – 9:00 Writing25 min 9:00 – 10:15Rotation 1 Math or Reading75 min 10:20 – 10:50 Block30 min 10:55 – 11:45 Writing continue50 min 11:50 – 12:30 Lunch/Recess40 min 12:35 – 1:50Rotation 2 Math or Reading75 min 1:55- 3:00 Science / Social Studies65 min 3:05Dismissal
Attendance: Please make every effort to have your child in school and on time everyday. Schedule appointments/vacations for half-days and intercessions.
Dress Code Baseball hats ONLY ALLOWED on the playground. Shorts and skirts need to be mid–thigh. Shirt straps need to be at least 1 ½ inches wide. No sagging pants. Students who do not follow the dress code will be sent to the office. *If unsure, it’s best not to wear it!
Personal Items/Cell Phones Students must keep cell phones OFF and IN THEIR BACKPACKS while they are on campus. If they have it out it will be taken to the office for the parent to pick up. Personal items, such as toys and sports equipment, are not permitted at school. Please keep these distractions at home. E-Readers will be allowed with parent permission. Student will assume full responsibility for the safety of their device.
Homework Given Monday – Thursday Students will have some take home / weekend projects STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO: Keep binder organized and up-to-date. Write assignments in agenda. Read every night for at least 20 minutes and respond in journal. Complete homework neatly and in a timely manner. Practice math facts and study for tests.
Friday Flash: Given every Friday Show student behavior for the week Show missing assignments/homework Previous week tests attached** Notes from teacher (upcoming events. comments, etc.) Tells about projects/activities and their dates Must be signed by parent/guardian!
Accelerated Reader Students are expected to read several grade appropriate books. Students will need to take (and pass with a 70%) the AR test for each book. AR will count as a grade. Students need to read at least 150,000 words (approx. 3-4 books) 1 st quarter and word count will increase each quarter.. Book word counts can be found on
Assessments and Grades STUDENTS who are absent are RESPONSIBLE to ask all their teachers for their make up tests/work. Infinite Campus is the online grading system used by the district. Teachers will enter most grades within a week. The Parent Portal is the way for you to view and keep updated with your child’s progress. PLEASE check it regularly so there are no surprises at progress report and report card time.
Curriculum for 6 th grade In your packet is a guideline showing what concepts will be taught throughout the year. We outlined the key concepts that will be taught in Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies. You can also visit the district website to see the online curriculum.
Parent/Teacher Contact The Sixth Grade website is a great place to find the calendar, forms, photos of student work, etc. Click on Grade Level and follow the links. Parents can sign up for notifications Updates, events, special class activities, etc. will be ed to parents if not on Friday Flash. is the PREFERRED way to contact us!
Treats Let us know in advance. At the end of the day. Must be store bought, with napkins. Something simple: cookies, donuts, or cupcakes.
Parent Volunteers: Art Masterpiece (1+ volunteer(s), year-round lessons) Clerical i.e. Master of Copies (Several volunteers, year-round) Room Parent
Science Camp Form on Chandler District Website
Thank you for coming! I look forward to working with you and your child throughout the year. Please feel free to contact me by or phone.