Prepared by: Claire Watson
The following technology lesson plan is based on the Technology Integration Lesson outlines in Robyler and Doering (2010, p. xviii). All lessons will include Ontario Curriculum expectations as well as NETS (National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers) The following plan is an adapted Technology Integration lessons that will follow the Ontario Ministry of Education Science Grade 11 and 12 curriculum guidelines. The lesson will also use the Ontario Ministry’s guidelines expectations for Information Technologies (Science Grade 11 and 12, 2008, p.42) In this lesson a Sony Cyber shot digital camera will be used by students and teachers to record a laboratory demonstration
Title :Slinky demonstrating Grade Level: High School, Grade 11 Content Area/Topic: Springs and gravitational and kinetic energy transfer Description of Standards Applications from the Ontario Ministry of Education NETS-T: 1.Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity NETS-S: 2.Communication and Collaboration Specific Expectation D 2.4 plan and conduct inquires involving gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy (The Ontario Science Curriculum Grades 11 and 12, p. 188) Role of Technology is outlines in the Ontario science curriculum ( The Ontario Science Curriculum Science Grades 11 and 12, 2010, p. 42) that students can use digital cameras to record laboratory. Students will use the camera to determine the position where potential energy is highest and where kinetic energy is highest. Students will write out the laboratory report according to the rubric.
Students will design an experiment to achieve the goal of observing the transformation between gravitational energy and kinetic energy using a slinky. Students will record their laboratory experiment.
CRITERIALEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 3LEVEL 4 Initiating and planning Demonstrates a limited understanding of the task Demonstrates some understanding of the task Demonstrates considerable understanding of the task Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the task Develops a faulty plan Develops a partial plan Develops a workable plan Develops a thorough and flexible plan Carrying out the plan Demonstrates limited ability to follow the plan Demonstrates some ability to follow the plan Follows the plan Adapts the plan as appropriate Uses tools, equipment, and materials safely and correctly only with supervision Uses tools, equipment, and materials safely and correctly with some supervision Uses tools, equipment, and materials safely and competently with some supervision Routinely uses tools, equipment, and materials safely and competently with little supervision Requires constant reminders to follow procedures correctly and safely Requires some reminders to follow procedures correctly and safely Follows procedures correctly and safely with few reminders Routinely follows all procedures correctly and safely Demonstrates required technical skills and strategies with limited competence Demonstrates required technical skills and strategies with moderate competence Demonstrates required technical skills and strategies with considerable competence Demonstrates all required technical skills and strategies with a high degree of competence Makes limited use of learning from the Challenge Connections recorded throughout the unit Makes some use of learning from the Challenge Connections recorded throughout the unit Routinely makes use of learning from the Challenge Connections recorded throughout the unit Skillfully incorporates learning from the Challenge Connections recorded throughout the unit Recognizes the need to modify the plan only when prompted Has difficulty recognizing the need to modify the plan Modifies the plan when necessary When necessary, modifies the plan in insightful ways
Hirsch, A.J., Martindale, D., Bibla, S., Stewart, C. (2001) Nelson Physics 11 Teacher’s Resource CD-Rom. Nelson Publishing. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2008). The Ontario Curriculum Grades 11 and 12 Science. Retrieved from: df Roblyer, M.D., & Doering, A.H., (2010). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (5th Edn). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.