Stay Steady Improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls Developed by : Stephanie Hay-Lead Physiotherapist Bute & Falls Prevention Resource Developer Argyll and Bute CHP Christine McArthur- Falls Prevention Lead NHS Highland
22 Falls Introduction Falls are common and serious A fall can indicate a change in your health But Falls are not an inevitable part of getting older
What will we discuss today? How to reduce anxiety about falls Staying active and exercising Using a walking aid Nutrition and diet Bone health (osteoporosis, calcium and vitamin D) Medications / drop in blood pressure Eyesight Footwear Environment
4 Anxiety about falling Anxiety Inactivity Loss of confidence Weakness Fall
55 Stay active and exercise “Man does not cease to play because he grows old, he grows old because he ceases to play!” Balance and strength exercise is one of the most effective way to reduce your risk of falls
66 Using a walking aid Walking aids help improve balance and reduce load on painful joints Make sure your aid is the correct height Make sure the rubber on the base is not worn Self refer to physiotherapy if you need a walking assessment
77 Nutrition and Diet Poor nutrition and dehydration can: Increase your risk of falls Alter the action of medications Lower your immunity to infection Delay wound healing Reduce muscle strength
88 Osteoporosis The health of your bones makes a big difference to the effects of a fall What can I do? Stop smoking Increase weight bearing exercise Reduce alcohol Eat enough calcium Sunlight or supplement - vitamin D Take prescribed medications correctly
99 Calcium You need 700mg per day (more if you have osteoporosis),…Are you getting enough? canned sardines in tomato sauce - 460mgs glass of semi-skimmed milk - 248mgs glass of whole milk - 237mgs pot of low fat yoghurt - 225mgs piece of cheddar cheese - 216mgs 3 scoops of dairy ice cream - 234mgs 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds - 80mgs small can of baked beans - 80mgs 2 slices of white or brown bread - 72mgs
10 Vitamin D Allows the body to absorb calcium Most people get enough from sunlight Natural sunlight on your hands, face and arms for mins a day between 10 -3pm (April -September) will make enough vitamin D for the year Take care not to burn Ask your pharmacist or GP if you should take a vitamin D supplement (especially important for the housebound)
11 Medications Some medications cause side effects such as disturbed balance, dizziness, drowsiness and confusion See your GP if you experience these Multiple medications can increase your risk of falling Arrange a medication review with your GP
12 A drop in blood pressure when standing from sitting or sitting up from lying Symptoms: losing consciousness e.g. black out changes in vision dizziness faintness & light-headedness weakness Blood pressure drop (postural hypotension)
13 Eyesight Increased risk of falling if wearing: wrong glasses prescription or dirty glasses bifocals and varifocals Eye tests: every year if over 75 or a diabetic every 2 years for under 75 eye tests are free for all in Scotland some opticians do free home visits
14 Footwear Soles should be flexible, textured and cushioned to aid grip Avoid high heels Laces, buckles or velcro straps hold the feet firmly in place Open backed slippers can cause trips Make sure your trousers/dressing gown not trailing on the ground
15 Environment “Finding everything you need when you need it!”
Planning in case of a fall If you have a pendant alarm are you wearing it? If you did fall could you get up off the floor? Do you need telehealth care to prevent a long period of lying on the floor if you fall?
17 Lets take action If you are anxious about falls consult a health professional Stay active/exercise regularly Use a walking aid if you have been advised to Eat a balanced diet Take medication correctly /consult your GP if you have side effects Sunlight Have regular eye checks Wear good footwear Make small environmental changes in your home Wear your personal alarm if you have one Stop smoking