Warm Weather Attire 1
NOT AppropriateAPPROPRIATE Shorts and skirts should generally be finger-tip length or longer (preferably Capri pants, cargo shorts, walking shorts, Bermuda shorts, etc.)
Tank-top straps should be 1 inch across or wider. NOT AppropriateAPPROPRIATE
Low-cut tops and shirts that reveal your midriff are unacceptable. NOT Appropriate
APPROPRIATE Pajama bottoms, slippers, boxer shorts or undergarment worn as outerwear may not be worn during school. Sleep-wear stays at home.
Hats, hoods, or head coverings of any kind should not be worn over the head while in school. NOT Appropriate
T-shirts or other tops with suggestive or offensive language may not be worn NOT Appropriate Anything referencing drugs, alcohol, or language that can be intimidating or belittling to others. APPROPRIATE