W INTER S KINCARE December, January, February Cozy and clear days of winter give rosy looks to your skin.
S PRING S KINCARE March, April Mixture of warmer and sunnier days time to say sayonara to Dry Skin.
S UMMER S KINCARE May, June, July, August Beware of the heat. The dreadful scorching sun is here.
A UTUMN S KINCARE September, October, November Neither too hot nor too cold but time to prepare your skin for winters.
Summer and winters are the seasons in which environmental factors are prevail: the sun, dry air and snow can all take their toll on your skin. On the other hand, spring and autumn represent the perfect time to renew your skin, to recover from previous environmental aggressions. When the seasons change your skincare regimen should change too. I am here with some skincare regimen that you should follow in every seasons.
W INTER S EASON C HARACTERISTICS AND I SSUES Characteristics: Harsh weather with very low and cold temperature, freezing winds and dryness produced by indoor heating. Skin Issues: Itchiness, roughness, tightness, dryness, irritation, fine lines and wrinkles you feel moisture less skin.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN FOR W INTERS Internal Skincare Start your day with milk, milk products and nuts which contains natural oils. Eat fresh fruits which are sweet, sour and salty. Also increase oil intake for internal oleation of skin. Help your skin to go on easy alcohol. With every glass of alcohol take extra glass of water for proper hydration. Stay hydrated with ten glass of water per day.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN FOR W INTERS External Skincare Use warm water instead of excessive hot water for bathing. Treat your skin with soothing oil massage. Avoid harsh soaps, use soaps high in glycerin and natural oils. Exercise most important regimen in winters, it helps to improve blood circulation and leaves you skin soft. Apply herbs facial in a week for anti wrinkled smooth and supple skin.
S PRING S EASON C HARACTERISTICS AND I SSUES Characteristics: Pleasant temperature, sun rises in the earlier our, days get warmer, no dry skin. Time to renew your skin like flowers because spring doesn't effects our skin so much. Skin issues: Spring is a seasonal change so skin exposed with airborne allergies such pollen. You feel itchiness and puffiness in skin.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN FOR S PRINGS Internal Skincare Reduce alcohol consumption like wine, beer and champagne contain highest concentration of histamine which could worsen your symptoms. Load up with green fresh veggies like spinach, kale and beans etc that helps to make your skin healthy and radiant. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout a day, also eat variety of foods that have a high water content. Eat dark chocolates, egg whites and honey these are very friendly to our skin. Intake vitamin E and K rich fruits and veggies.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN FOR S PRINGS External Skincare Reduce stress and offer a back massage as anti inflammatory skin treatment. We can wear sunscreen in any season even good face creams now have a nice level of sunscreen in them that protects our skin not even outside but outside the room. Exfoliate your skin two to three times per week to remove those dead skin cells that you’ve faced in all winter.
S UMMER S EASON C HARACTERISTICS AND I SSUES Characteristics: High temperature, humidity, dryness in air and intense UV radiation. Skin issues: Sun damage, dark spots, acne breakouts and oily skin, dry and dehydrated skin.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN FOR S UMMERS Internal Skincare : Make sure to drink ten glass of water everyday. Eat water by eating fresh fruits which contain water substance. Cut down the alcohol from your routine. Increase intake of selenium, zinc, vitamin C and E rich food like orange.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN F OR S UMMERS External Skincare : Take long bath, use alkaline soaps and gel to make your skin more prone from UV damage. Tone your skin after showering and bathing Keep your skin moisturized by using watery moisturizers. Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage.
A UTUMN S EASON C HARACTERISTICS AND I SSUES Characteristics: Dry and cooler, very pleasant temperature actually skin friendly climate. Skin issues: Dry, rough, dehydrated and drab skin by summer.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN FOR A UTUMN Internal Skincare Drink 8 glass of water in a day to keep your skin moisturized and also eliminate toxins efficiently. Drink cup of coffee and tea per day to prevent dehydration of skin Eat food rich in Omega 3. Eat food rich in polyphones, Vitamin A, C and E to help your skin from sun damage.
S KINCARE R EGIMEN FOR A UTUMN External Skincare Protect skin from environmental aggression by moisturize your skin while cleansing. Use mildly acidic, hydrating toners that balance skin’s PH. Do exfoliate but be gentle to effectively remove dead skin cells get smooth skin. Protect skin from sun by using sunscreen of at least SPF 15.