Manicure and Pedicure
Contra-indications to Manicure Prevent treatment: Onychosis = Any nail disease Fungal infections: (Tinea) Onychomycosis – (tinea unguium – Ringworm of the nails) Bacterial Infections: Paronychia infection of the nail fold. Whitlows: abscess at the side or base of nail. Onychia: inflammation of the nail matrix. Viral Infections: Verrucca Vulgaris (common warts) Parasitic infections: Scabies Onychocryptosis – Ingrown nails Onycholosis – nail separation (only if severe)
Contra-indications that restrict treatment Defluvium unguinum – split nails, dry nails Onochophagy – nail biting/Finger biting Pterygium – overgrown cuticles Onychorrhexis – Flaking breaking nails Onychauxis – (hypertrophy) faster growth in one or more directions of the nail Onychatrophia (atrophy)wasting away of the nail Increased curvature (spoon nails), corrugations, black streaks (splinter haemorrhage) Beaus line (transverse ridges) hang nails, blue nails, eggshell nails, furrows Leuchonychia – White spots Eczema, psoriasis
Contra indications Prevent Onychia- Infection of matrix Onycolosis Onychia- Infection of matrix Paronychia -infection of nail fold Verruca Vulgaris Scabies onychocryptosis
Contra-indications Restrict Onochopagy – skin biting/bitten nails Onychauxis(hypertropy) Onochopagy – skin biting/bitten nails Onychorrhexis split or brittle nails Pterygium – overgrown cuticles Spoon nails Leuchonychia Beaus lines
Contra indications to pedicure Prevent Skin and nail fungal infection – Onychomyosis, tinea pedis Bacterial infections: paranychias, onychia, pseudomonas (green between nail plate and overlay) Viral infections – verruca vulgaris. Allergic reactions, over exposure, redness, itching, inflamed, soreness of tissue. Open wounds, severe nail separation, severe bruising.
Contra indications restrictive Eczema and psoriasis – use barrier cream Cuts and abrasions – cover and protect, modify treatment by avoiding the area Severely bitten nails – keep nails short and have weekly manicures.