A Kidney Disease Primer Presented by The Kidney Foundation of Canada, BC & Yukon Branch
Table of Contents Kidneys and what they do Kidney Disease: causes, risk factors and warning signs Kidney Disease: prevention KFOC – what it does BC Branch
Your Kidneys Master Chemists of your body Located on either side of the spine under the lower ribs Reddish brown and shaped like a kidney bean About the size of a clenched fist
Regulate water Remove wastes Balance chemicals (Including phosphorus, sodium and medications) Kidneys: What do they do?
Produce hormones (that regulate blood pressure and make new blood cells) Help keep bones healthy (regulate levels of calcium and phosphorus)
Chronic Kidney Disease Defined as the progressive deterioration of the kidney function Usually occurs gradually over time until kidneys may stop working completely Currently there is no cure Progression MAY BE PREVENTED OR SLOWED
Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence: no accurate numbers Current estimate: about 460,000 British Columbians have kidney disease although many don’t know it. This equates to about 1 person in 10
High Risk Groups People at highest risk for developing kidney disease include those with: Diabetes High blood pressure A family history of kidney disease Any of the following ethnic backgrounds: Asian, African, Aboriginal, South Asian
Possible Warning Signs High blood pressure Puffiness of the eyes, hands and feet Passage of blood, cloudy or tea-coloured urine Excessive foaming in the urine Early Stages: NONE!
Warning Signs cont’d Frequent passing of urine in the night Passing less urine or difficulty passing urine Persistent generalized itching Loss of appetite or weight Fatigue
Causes of Kidney Disease include: Diabetes High Blood Pressure Polycystic Kidney Disease Drug or medication induced Urinary Tract Infection
Prevention Eat a well balanced diet Do regular physical exercise Control your blood pressure Control your blood glucose levels if you have diabetes Stop smoking Control your weight
What if you are in a high risk group? Visit your doctor Blood pressure check eGFR and creatinine test to determine the level of your kidney function
The Kidney Foundation of Canada Brief History (50 Years old in 2014!) Founded in Montreal in 1964 by physicians and family members of kidney patients Purpose – to raise Research Funds for a cure Expanded purpose – provide patient services & family support – encourage early detection and prevention – promote organ donation
The Kidney Foundation of Canada Provides funding to help stimulate kidney-related research Provides support to kidney patients and their families Educates the public about kidney health and organ donation Advocates on behalf of people living with kidney disease
KFOC - Structure BC/ Yukon has chapters in Victoria, Nanaimo, Tri- Cities, Abbotsford, Okanagan, Kamloops, Quesnel, Prince George, Terrace, Chilliwack, Whitehorse and Vancouver (Chinese Renal Association and Vancouver Kidney Club). As well as a South Asian chapter.
Research $3 million a year to fund research into kidney disease To date, over $110 million invested in grants since inception of the research program
Programs for Kidney Patients Short Term Financial Grants and Loans LODERP Kidney Suites Peer Support Informational and Referral Manuals and Brochures Camp for kids Targeted Screening
Organ Donation Awareness Starting in 2015, the BC & Yukon Branch has made organ donation awareness a priority Increase number of people registered as organ donors in BC by 50% Increase transplantation in BC by 50%
Thank you