Chapter 2: Additional Slides Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 21.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 2: Additional Slides Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 21

 Pre-Bell Activity: Complete 3-Minutes Time Writing 2 times on on Healthy Choices Join the Cafeteria Line for Regular and Adv. students and complete on on Cell Phones: Then & Now—for Remedialwww.edutyping  The teacher will introduce Chapter 2- Lesson 2-1 Additional Slides pages  The students will complete key terms’ definitions and notes on Ch. 2 –See Handout- Tues.—Regular students  Have student to use the Frayer Model with these words (group/pair activity). Advance Groups  Have student’s complete activities in WP text pages by reading pages Guided Practice wszcomplete Now You Try It p. 26 independently.  -Log- in to for Reinforcement Lessons—for Regular Students  Enrichment/Advance students go to Unit 2 Course Lesson Numbers/Symbols and  Remedial/Special Ed. Go to for keyboarding  Closure: Wrap up with a review Exit Ticket-Canvas  Homework: Create sentences with Ch. 2 Vocabulary Terms—five sentences Lang. Arts Integration Chapter 52

◦ Pre-Bell Activity: Complete 3-Minutes Time Writing 2 times on on Healthy Choices Join the Cafeteria Line for Regular and Adv. students and complete on on Cell Phones: Then & Now—for Remedialwww.edutyping ◦ Teacher will review key terms and check homework in Chapter 2 in Power Point Presentations with3) Teacher will introduce and demonstrate how to insert tables and charts in Power Point slides.. See Ch. 2 Power Point.  Students will complete pages for the Regular students and the Now You Try It on page 31 and 33 outlined in the text for the Advance students.  Log- in to for Reinforcement Lessons—for Regular Students  Enrichment/Advance students go to Unit 2 Course Lesson Numbers/Symbols and  Remedial/Special Ed. Go to for keyboarding reviews —20 mins. Differentiated  6) Wrap up with a review Exit Ticket-Canvas--  Homework: Continue creating sentences with key terms in Ch.2— building vocabulary-Lang. Arts Integration Chapter 53

 Pre-Bell Activity: Complete 3-Minutes Time Writing 2 times on on Healthy Choices Join the Cafeteria Line for Regular and Adv. students and complete on on Cell Phones: Then & Now—for Remedial & Sp. Ed. Students or complete Pre Bell -Time Writing #21—3 minute writing (See for Remedial and Sp. Ed. studentswww.edutyping  1) Teacher will review key terms and check homework in Chapter 2 in the Additional Slides lesson with students.  2) Teacher will introduce and demonstrate how to insert animated clip art and a digital photo to a slide in Lesson 2-3. See Ch. 2 Power Point.  3) Students will complete pages (Regular students) and the Now You Try It on page 33 (Advance Groups) outlined in the text, if not completed. Guided Practice  4) Students will complete Ch. 2 Review pages 34-36—Independent Practice  5) Teacher will review Ch. 2 answers orally with students.  6) Log- in to for Reinforcement Lessons—for Regular Students  Enrichment/Advance students go to Unit 2 Course Lesson Numbers/Symbols and  Remedial/Special Ed. Go to for keyboarding reviews 20 mins.  7) Wrap up with a review with Exit Ticket- Canvas  Homework: Continue studying for Ch.2 Test Friday  Chapter 54

 Pre Bell Activity: Complete 3-Minutes Time Writing 2 times on on Healthy Choices Join the Cafeteria Line for Regular and Adv. students and complete on on Cell Phones: Then & Now—for Remedial & Sp. Ed. Students  The students will complete Ch. 2 Post Test on Canvas.  After students complete Ch. 2 Post Test, students will continue working and complete computer –Practice Project on pages and complete computer Integrated Skills-Online - Language Arts Skills.—Remedial Students  If time permits, students will continue lessons on Edu Typing. Differentiated Activities  Wrap up with a review with Exit Question on Canvas Chapter 55

 Learn the 7x7 rule  Create slides using bullets  Add clip art to a slide  Make an organization chart on a slide  Insert a table on a slide  Insert a media clip onto a slide  Add a digital photo to a slide Spotlight on Presentations Chapter 2 6

 7x7 rule  Bullets  Cell  Clip art  Handles  Organization chart  Table Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 27

 Bullets are small dots, dashes, or other pictures used when creating lists; they should be consistent within the list.  The 7×7 rule is that no more than seven bullets on a slide and no more than seven words within each bulleted point.  By using the default slide layout called “Title and Content” you can create a bulleted list. The “content” section of the slide allows you to insert a variety of items such as: a table, chart, SmartArt graphic, pictures, clip art, or media clips. Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 28 Creating a Slide with Bulleted Text

 If you accidentally choose the wrong layout for the slide, you could click Undo from the Quick Access Toolbar.  Clip art is drawing of an object used to add emphasis to text.  The Clip Art task pane opens along the right side of the screen.  Keep the clip art images small if you are using more than one image per slide.  Handles are small circles or squares located around an image that are used to resize it. Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 29 Creating a Slide with Text and Clip Art

 An organization chart is a diagram used to show the hierarchical relationship of items.  To move a slide, click and drag it.  In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, there are several different types of diagrams: list, process, cycle, hierarchy, relationship, matrix, and pyramid.  There are two ways to enter information into the textboxes. You could just click in the textbox and start typing, or you could enter information in the text pane.  If you don’t see the text pane to the left of the slide, you can click the little arrows at the left side of the diagram. You can also click the Text Pane button on the SmartArt Tools: Design Ribbon to display the Text Pane. Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 210 Creating a Slide with an Organization Chart

 A table is a diagram with columns and rows used to list and compare items.  A cell is each individual box of a table.  Click the Insert Table icon in the content area.  Insert the number of columns and rows in the Insert Table dialog box. Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 211 Creating a Slide with a Table

 When you open up the clip art, the Clip Art task pane will pop up along the right side.  Type in what you want your clip art to be in the search box.  Click the “Results should be:” button and choose Clip art. Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 212 Creating a Slide with Animated Clip Art

 To insert a new slide, use the Title and Content layout.  To insert the picture, click on the Insert Picture from File icon.  Choose the photo, clip art, or graphic that you have saved to a disk drive. Spotlight on PresentationsChapter 213 Creating a slide with a Digital Photo

 Main ideas can be shown on a slide in a bulleted list.  Bullets are small dots or other pictures used when creating lists.  Bullets should be consistent within the list, and should be left aligned.  PowerPoint presentations should not contain paragraphs or long sentences.  The 7×7 rule states that there should not be more than seven bullets on a slide and no more than seven words within each bulleted point.  The default PowerPoint slide layout is Title and Content.  Slides can contain objects such as: a table, chart, clip art, picture, diagram or organization chart, or media clip. Chapter 214Spotlight on Presentations