Describing pictures VY_32_INOVACE_AJ_2_42 How to proceed? Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/ Název projektu: Zlepšení podmínek pro vzdělávání na SUŠ, Ostrava
Step 1 What is the first thing to say when describing a picture? Introduce the context of the picture.
TASK 1 Describe to your partner the context of these pictures in not more than five words.
Click to download the picture. Picture 1 Click to download the picture. Picture 2 Click to download the picture. Picture 4Picture 3 Click to download the picture.
TASK 1 Now swap roles.
Click to download the picture. Picture 5 Click to download the picture. Picture 6 Click to download the picture. Picture 8Picture 7 Click to download the picture.
Useful phrases In the picture you can see …. There is/are …. in the picture. = In the picture there is/are …. It‘s a picture of …. The picture represents / shows ….
TASK 2 Create the first sentence of the description of the following pictures using the introduced phrases. Write them into your exercise books.
Click to download the picture. Picture 1 Click to download the picture. Picture 2 Click to download the picture. Picture 4 Picture 3 Click to download the picture.
Picture 5 Click to download the picture. Picture 6 Click to download the picture. Picture 8Picture 7 Click to download the picture.
STEP 2 Plan the process How can you proceed in describing a picture? CHOOSE the direction!!!
Options how to proceed Most pictures suggest a way how to be described.
What directions do the pictures suggest? Click to download the picture. Picture 10 Picture 9 Click to download the picture.
Possible directions Front to back / back to front Left to right / right to left Round-the-clock Center to the sides Dominant to details
TASK 3 Which direction would be most suitable for the description of the following pictures?
Click to download the picture. Picture 12Picture 11 Click to download the picture. Picture 13
TASK 4 Take your book and choose 3 different pictures. Write into your exercise books the introductory sentence to their description. In which direction would you describe them?
Zdroje: Picture 1: ( ) Picture 2: ( ) Picture 3: ( ) Picture 4: ( ) Picture 5: ( ) Picture 6: annoying-little-things-that-customers-do.jpg ( ) annoying-little-things-that-customers-do.jpg Picture 7: 300x225.jpg ( ) Picture 8: _NARA_-_ tif ( ) _NARA_-_ tif Picture 9: ovem_12_vinohrady_004.jpg ( ) ovem_12_vinohrady_004.jpg Picture 10: ( ) Picture 11: ( ) Picture 12: ( ) Picture 13: ( )