Beef Heifer Management BHS FFA Updated Spring 2014
Topics Facilities and Equipment Selection Nutrition Basic Health Showmanship
Facilities and Equipment One heifer needs approximately a 10’ X 10’ pen. This should be dry and well ventilated. The pen should be cleaned out regularly There should be an area outside of this pen that is fenced in to walk the heifer around You may also pasture your heifer, but you should be able to halter it with ease. We really want the majority of the heifer’s diet to be from the feed
Selection Age Calf should be weaned at 6-7 months of age and should be placed on a creep feed at 5-6 months of age; transitioning to full feed Heifers may be shown until 24 months old Heifers reach puberty at months of age and should be breed at this time
Selection Structure Level and wide back Long body Large circumference of bone Shape Like a box-legs should be straight and make a 90 degree angle with the ground with toes pointing forward Wide pelvis (she’s supposes to give birth) Body condition We do not want a calf with a great amount of fat right now Disposition We want a calm calf
Nutrition Heifers consume 2-3% of their body weight in feed daily Heifers should have access to good quality hay 24/7 (Coastal, Sudan) Once brought from breeder, heifer should be on a starter feed (8-10% protein) for 2-3 weeks then transitioned to a grower (12%+ protein) Unless breeder already has a feeding program in place Cattle should be feed twice a day as close to 12 hours apart as possible
Nutrition The animal should have easy access to water at all times. Heifers can drink gallons a day depending on the weather. The animal should also have access to a mineral block in its pen. A top dressing of Probios or another ionophone is recommended to keep the bacteria in the heifer’s stomach active and health while eating high energy feed Additional supplements like Beet pulp (expands ribs), Winning Fill, and High Octane products (protein/fat increaser) is also recommended but not required
Basic Health Blackleg type vaccine should be given before weaning 7-way vaccine should be given at time of purchase followed by a booster 2-3 weeks after that and another at 6-8 months later Brucellosis vaccine at 6-8 months Animal should be washed clean and dried at least once a month Hooves should be trimmed about every 6-8 weeks
Supplies Feed $25 a bag Feed and water bucket $6 a piece Hay $ 7-$10 per square pale Shavings $7
Supplies Halter $25 $8 $2 Show Halter (leather)$40 Number holder Rake, broom, shovel $10 Practice and show stick $10 Hay bag $ 6
Supplies Water hose, nozzle and soap Brush and comb $5 each A box that locks for storage and a metal container to put feed bags in
Showmanship Allow a week for your heifer to get to know you, know your vehicle, know your smell, know your pen Halter Breaking Should be started a week after you get the animal Attached the halter (chain, preferably with a padded nose band) to the heifer and attach a long lead rope. Keep this one the heifer for a few days to get used to it Then start tying the heifer up high to a sturdy post. At this time start to pet and brush the heifer. Do this until you are able to walk behind and reach underneath the animal
Showmanship At this point, start to walk the heifer in its pen. If she gets out of control walk her in circles until she settles down After the heifer is accustomed to walking with you, you should start training her for show Every day you should Feed twice, replace water, walk your animal, brush your animal, clean the pen, practice showing the animal Cattle are like people, they need a routine!
Showmanship Walk her and set her up with her head held high (should be done every day) Front feet should be wide and square, like fence post Rear feet should be wide with the right leg 4” behind the left To move feet use your show stick Animal should be able to stand in one place for at least 15 minutes without getting nervous Get the animal used to being around other people, noises, little children
Showmanship Show Day Wear nice jeans with a collared shirt No hats Always keep your animal between you and the judge If your heifer is short hair breed, have a handkerchief in your back pocket If your heifer is a long hair breed, have a comb in your back pocket