Trabalho elaborado por: Ana Vargas 5º4 nº3
José Tibério Ondina Ana Paula DeolindaCarmen Tibério João Susana José Luís Hernani Maria Albertina João Quental Zilda Grandfather Grandmother Grandfather Maria João João SofiaAna Monique ShawnMichael João Margarida Cousin Aunt Uncle Father Mother Sister Me
Who is Tibério? A.:He is Ana’s father. Who is João Ernesto? A.: He is Ana’s uncle. Who is Ana Paula? A.:She is Ana’s aunt. Who is João? A.: He is Ana’s cousin. Who is Ondina? A.:She is Ana’s grandmother. Who is Shawn? A.:He is Ana’s cousin. Who are Zilda and Tibério? A.:They are Ana’s parents. Who is Carmen? A.:She is Ana’s aunt. Who are José Tibério and Ondina? A.:They are Ana’s grandparents.
What is your phone number? My phone number is And yours? My phone number is Miley’s phone number- nine/one/nine/six/one/eigth/double one/five. Bill’s phone number- nine/double one/nine/eight/six/two/three/one.
I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are I’m You’re He’s She’s It’s We’re You’re They’re Full forms Short formsFull Forms I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not Short forms I’m not You aren’t He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t
She is my cousin. Her name is Margarida and her surname is Valente. Her birthday is on 23rd November. She is two years old. She is my sister. Her name is Sofia and her surname is Vargas. Her birthday is on 7th March. She is eighteen years old.
First - 1st Second - 2nd Third - 3rd Fourth - 4th Fifth - 5th Sixth - 6th Seventh - 7th Eighth - 8th Nineth - 9th Tenth - 10th Eleventh - 11th Twelveth - 12th Thirteen - 13th Fourteenth - 14th Fifteen - 15th Sixteen - 16th Seventeen - 17th Eigheteenth - 18th Nineteenth - 19th Twentie - 20th