동물 분자 유전체 연구의 최신 동향 National Institute of Animal Science Animal Genomics & Bioinformatics 정호영
Genome analysis I Gene expression II Bioinformatics IV Metagenomics III Content
Genome analysis I
Association test Prediction Genomic selection Chromosomal study Linkage analysis Genetic variants In/del situation Gene chips Copy number variation DNA/RNA Chromosome Phenotypes Genome analysis
Genetic identification 개체식별 체계 친자일 경우의 수를 확률로 나타냄 (2 N ) ABO 식 혈액형 이외에 - Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) - Single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) - MS (Microsatellite markers) - SNP (Single nucleotide polymorphism) III AA ? AB 가축의 등록 종모우 선정 Genome analysis
Insertion/Deletion 열성유전자 확인 특정 질병관련 유전자 확인 유전병 진단 Genome analysis
Gene chip Genome wide 및 차등 발현 유전자 탐색 Microarray 이용 차등 발현확인 Gene pathway 구축 및 확인 probe (on chip) sample (labelled) Genome analysis
Microarray chip Approximately 60 bp long Expression study Genome analysis
SNP chip Less than 25 bp long Genome study Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) analysis 777,000 SNP 50,000 SNP 8,000 SNP ? Genome analysis
Copy Number Variation ATTG ACAGTA ACAGTA Genome analysis
Copy Number Variation Autism: De novo deletions more common in patients with Autism. New Syndrome: Deletion on chromosome 17 defines novel genetic disorder. Aids: CNV covering CCL3L1, large copy number is protective of HIV/AIDS infection. Association with Crohn’s disease and BMI. Genome analysis
Figure. A digital array has 12 panels of 765 reaction chambers each. Dube S, Qin J, Ramakrishnan R (2008) Mathematical Analysis of Copy Number Variation in a DNA Sample Using Digital PCR on a Nanofluidic Device. PLoS ONE 3(8): e2876. doi: /journal.pone Genome analysis
Figure. Human genomic DNA NA10860 (left 5 panels) and the RPP30 synthetic construct (right 5 panels) were quantitated using the RPP30 (FAM) assay on this digital array. Dube S, Qin J, Ramakrishnan R (2008) Mathematical Analysis of Copy Number Variation in a DNA Sample Using Digital PCR on a Nanofluidic Device. PLoS ONE 3(8): e2876. doi: /journal.pone Genome analysis
Linkage analysis
Genome analysis
Ahmad T et al. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2003;12: Genome analysis
Gene expression II
Gene expression 차등 발현 유전자 탐색 Microarray 이용 차등 발현 확인 Gene pathway 구축 및 확인 Gene expression
probe (on chip) sample (labelled) Gene expression Approximately 60 – 250 bp long Expression study Big opportunity for everyone
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) Gene expression
Real time PCR Gene expression
Real time PCR Gene expression
Genetic association: Improvement of accuracy for selecting sires. Prediction of phenotypic performance would be possible. - Various prediction models for genetic diseases As results, genomic selection can be done. - Economic benefitsAssociation
Metagenomics III
Comparisons MRO + grain- based Milk replacer only (MRO), MRO + orchard grass hay Control(MG; Bel Air Calf Starter 22%, Bel Air, MD; 22.0% CP, 4.0% crude fat; 5.5% crude fiber), Fed free choice Changing circumstances of rumen Metagenomics
M vs G M vs H
Epigenetics Question: Genetic and Environmental effects
Bioinformatics IV
Bioinformatics Systems Biology
당부의 말
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대한민국의 연구 수준은 선진국과 별 차이점이 없다. 하지만 연구에 대한 생각은 매우 다르다. 세계 최고가 되고자 하지 말고 항상 합리적, 논리적 사고를 하자 세계 최고가 되고자 하지 말고 항상 합리적, 논리적 사고를 하자