Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: , tel: , emaiI: Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Název: Škola pro každého – kvalita a efektivnost ve využití lidských Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_11_ Past tense of the verb „to be“ Název materiálu (téma): Past tense of the verb „to be“ Sada:Angličtina,2. stupeň Autor: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Anotace: Past tense of the verb „to be“ (práce s interaktivní tabulí, pracovní list) © Výukový materiál je majetkem ZŠ Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj, 2012
Teacher: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Class: 6 Date : 27th March 2012 Subject: English Topic: Past tense of the verb „to be“ Compare Present of the verb „to be“ Past of the verb „to be“ I am you are I was you were he is we are he was we were she is they are she was they were it is it was I am at home. I was at home yesterday. He is at school. He was at school two days ago. She is happy. She was happy last week. It is cold. It was cold a week ago. You are ill. You were ill last month. We are tired. We were tired yesterday. They are in the garden. They were in the garden yesterday.
Positive, negative, question of the verb „to be“ – past tense PositiveNegativeQuestion I wasI was notwas I ? I wasn‘t he washe was notwas he ? he wasn‘t she wasshe was notwas she ? she wasn‘t it wasit was notwas it ? it wasn‘t we werewe were notwere we ? we weren‘t you wereyou were notwere you ? you weren‘t they werethey were notwere they ? they weren‘t
A Put in am/is/are or was/were, wasn‘t/weren‘t 1 I _____ at home now but I _______ at home yesterday evening. 2 My mum ____ at home yesterday. Now she ____ at work. 3 She ______ happy two days ago. It ______ her birthday. 4 It _____ his birthday today. He _____ very happy. 5 They _________ ill so they are at school today. Yesterday they _________ ill. They _________ at school. 6 I _______ out with my friends yesterday afternoon. What about you? _______ you at home? 7 On the mobile phone: „Where _______ you at the moment? I can‘t hear you well. _______ you in the garden?“ 8 I _________ at school last week. What ________ for homework? 9 Oh, nice. You _______ on holiday last week. What ________ the weather like? 10 _______ your friends at school last Friday? I don‘t know. I _______ at school last week. I _______ ill for two last weeks. 11 I _______ so sorry you can‘t go to my birthday party this evening. 12 Where _____ my pen. I don‘t know. It _______ on your desk five minutes ago. 13 You ________ at home yesterday afternoon. Where ________ you? 14 ________ you at the cinema? What _______ on?
Key 1 I am at home now but I wasn‘t at home yesterday evening. 2 My mum was at home yesterday. Now she is at work. 3 She was happy two days ago. It was her birthday. 4 It is his birthday today. He is very happy. 5 They aren‘t ill so they are at school today. Yesterday they were ill. They weren‘t at school. 6 I was out with my friends yesterday afternoon. What about you? Were you at home? 7 On the mobile phone: „Where are you at the moment? I can‘t hear you well. Are you in the garden? 8 I wasn‘t at school last week. What was for homework? 9 Oh, nice. You were on holiday last week. What was the weather like? 10 Were your friends at school last Friday? I don‘t know. I wasn‘t at school last week. I was ill for two last weeks. 11 I am so sorry you can‘t go to my birthday party this evening. 12 Where is my pen. I don‘t know. It was on your desk five minutes ago. 13 You weren‘t at home yesterday afternoon. Where were you? 14 Were you at the cinema? What was on? Literature: Inspired by Raymond Murphy, Essential Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 19 97