Song Qingling ( ) married Dr SunZhongshan in She was the vice president of the People’s Republic for many years. She busied herself with various welfare activities, raging from heading the Women’s Federation to a number of committees involving children.
Marie Curie ( ) was born in Poland, moved to Paris and studied chemistry and physics there. She married Pierre Curie and together they studied radioactive materials and discovered radium. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Pearl S.Buck ( ) was born in the USA but grew up in Zhejiang province after her parents moved to China in She first learnt Chinese and later taught English. From 1910 to 1914 she studied in America and returned to China. In 1931 she wrote her best known novel,The Good Earth. She won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1938.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta ( ) was a world famous Catholic nun. From the age of 18 she worked in India to help the poor. For more than 30 years she took care of people who were often mentally of physically disabled. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in In 2003, she was honoured with the name of Blessed Teresa.
去北极旅游 庆祝我的 60 岁生日 四百里的行程 独自行走和滑雪 拉着我的雪橇 马上开始 travel to the North Pole celebrate my 60 th birthday 400-mile journey walk and ski alone pull my sled be about to begin
即将来临 明媚的阳光 与暴风雪天气搏斗 发现自己在帐篷里呆 一天 搭建帐篷 吹走我和我的帐篷 around the corner bright sunshine struggle through stormy weather find myself spending a whole day in my tent put my tent up blow me and my tent away
变弱 使得那天特殊 把冻僵的蛋糕放火上 烤 以我的最大音量 翻过一个山坡 听到它着陆 练习自救 die down make that day special thaw a frozen cake over my fire at the top of my voice move forward over a slope hear it land practise self rescue
身体健康 把工作时间增加到十 二个小时 撞地后发晕 挣扎着跪着 作出决定 在极端的气候下 考虑到我的家庭 in good health increase my workday to 12 hours be woozy from hitting the ground struggle to my knees make a decision in an extreme climate think of my family
alone and lonely 1. The house stands ______ on the hill. 2. I was ________ in the house. 3. When his mother died, he felt _______. 4. He went back to the ______ village where he was born.
at the end of/by the end of/in the end 1. He tried many times and ______ he succeeded. 2. __________ last term, we had learned 20 units. 3. We will have an mathematics examination______ this week.
use 1. We _______ (live) in the countryside when we were young. 2. Tom _________(get up) early now. 3. Wood ______ (make) a table. 4. Glass _______(make) bottles.
Countries that are part of the North Pole:Norway,Sweden,Russia,Finland, US,Canada,Greenland(which is part of Denmark) Countries that are part of the South Pole:Chile, Argentina,South Africa,New Zealand
Helen Thayer
1.Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole. What will you take with you? why? 2.Do you know the names of three countries that are part of the North Pole? What about South Pole? 3.Which animals live on the North Pole? And which on the South Pole? 4.Why do polar bears never eat penguins?
compass radio transmitter
boots backpack Sleeping-bag tent
sled skis ice pick
North Pole Polar bear
South Pole penguins
1.How did the writer celebrate her 60th birthday? 2.Has she ever been to the North Pole? When? The writer travelled to the Antarctica to celebrate he 60th birthday. Yes. When she was 50. She travelled to the North Pole.
( ) 1. She celebrated her 50th birthday by travelling close to South Pole. ( ) 2. She went to Antarctica with the dog team pulling her sled. ( )3. Everything went all right during the first few days. ( )4. During the next week the wind grew so strong that it blew away her tent. ( )5. She had a special birthday at 60. ( )6. She had an accident after her birthday. ( )7. It was all her training that helped her out of danger. ( )8. At last she gave up and went back home. F F T F T T T T
Time Weather What happened to her? Nov.1-2,1997 good, wind, bright sunshine began her almost 400- mile journey 3rd-11th stormy, wind spent a whole day in her tent Nov. 12thstorm died down celebrated her birthday a few days later storm died down fell into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled 22ndicy wind had a bad accident with the sled and hurt her leg What happen to her during the journey?
1.What kind of woman is Helen Thayer? Describe her in a few sentences. 2.Do you admire Helen Thayer? Why? What can we learn from her?