INDEX 1.Mind Map 2.Description 3.Target Audience 4.Need met through product or service 5.Competitive Advantage
DESCRIPTION This product is a Hair Brush with a hair dryer inside it. You have to charge it at home before going out so it fills with warm air. It is portable so you can take it with you anywhere. While you are brushing your hair you can press a button so air comes out of it. When the air has ran out you have to recharge it. += Air Hair
TARGET AUDIENCE Our target audience are mainly female consumers as they usually have longer hair than males so it takes them much longer to dry. At the moment we think that girls from the age of 10 to 30 would prefer this product seeing as they are young and are most likely to go out to the beach, swimming pool and other places where they would need this device with their friends.
NEED MET THROUGH PRODUCT OR SERVICE There is a big part of the population that love going swimming in the sea/pool with their friends, but the problem is that lots of times they might have to go for a meeting afterwards or to a family dinner. With Air Hair they can easily charge it before going out so on the way home they can brush and dry their hair in no time without needing electricity.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE It’s true that products similair to this one already exist, but none of them are portable, which is something you need when you are in a hurry. That’s why I think this is a really sellable product once we have advertised it so people know about it.
PRIMARY DATA Would you be intrested in my product? Comments: I asked ten people if they would be intrested in my product, as you can see in the graph above they all said yes, one of the people I asked said that another thing I could add to my product could be adding a chemical when the air come out of my product that makes your hair easier to untanggle.
Comments: When I asked people how much the would spend on my product, the highest price I got was 50€, the lowest was 7€. 30% of the public said they would spend over 20€, another 30% said they would spend between 10 and 15 euros. 20% said they would spend between 5 and 10 euros. The remaining 20% didn’t give me an answer. How much would you spend on my product?
Do you find my product useful? Comments: Finally I asked the public if they found my product useful, everyone said that they found it very useful.
SECONDARY DATA When should I start my buisness? I think, the best time to start my buisness would be in April or May, when it starts to get hot before the summer seeing as it is when people start going to the beach or the pool.
How should I price my product? According to my research all products simalair to mine cost between 26 and 38 euros, that’s why I decided that my product should cost 35€,. Where did I get my information from?
How am I different from my competition? I am different from my competiton for many reasons, first of all my product is wireless and waterproof so it doesn’t matter if you get it wet or if you use it when it is not plugged in. Where did I get my information from?
CONCLUCIONS I gathered a lot of information about my product, like the price, when to start my buisness etc. In the primary data someone gave me an idea saying that I could add a chemical into my product to make your hair untanggle easier, I have decided not to take that persons advice seeing as the production of my product would turn out to expensive. I think this product would be very sellable but I would never spend time or money to make this a buisness, mainly because I am not intrested in beeing a buisness women.