The Declaration of Independence as a Formal Essay
Go to page 270 of your text book. The Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, has three distinct sections: Introduction, Body, Conclusion. There are four major movements in the Declaration, but we can still see the overall structure of a very formal essay.
The four sections Structure of the Declaration Preamble, or foreword Declaration of natural rights List of grievances Conclusion
How to classify the sections. Preamble: Foreword or part of Introduction This is, in my opinion, the Introduction. It states the theme of the document and gives impetus to its subject matter. It is interesting, since it is setting the stage for what the conclusion will boldly exclaim. From the Preamble: “When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…”
The Declaration of People’s Rights “We hold these truths to be self-evident:--that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This section can be viewed as a transitional stage between the Introduction/ foreword and the Body/list of Grievances. The first line is powerful and it is often considered the true beginning of the essay.
The Body The Body of the Declaration is a list of grievances against the Crown. This is the logical evidence against the Crown. The Introductory sections have set the stage for the grievances. The conclusion will bring together the ideals of the opening with the proof of violations, and reach a radical summary.
Summary of Grievances The King has interfered with Colonial politics in a variety of ways. Illegal and excessive use of military force Excessive taxation Interference with trade Abolition of local laws, courts, and legislatures He has waged war against the colony. He has forced Americans into British naval service. He has paid European mercenaries and frontier Indians to attack the colonists.
The Body, Continued The list of grievances ends with three paragraphs that explain the colonists’ attempts to find legal and peaceful, redress. Finally, in frustration, the Americans are ready to declare war.
The Conclusion This is one of the most important paragraphs in world history. This conclusion is no mere summary; there is no mere repetition here. The document has travelled from a vague statement of rights to a conclusion of political separation and necessary war, through the evidence of logic and factual grievances.
Summary The Declaration of Independence is an important historical document written in the formal essay style. Most importantly, the Introduction sets forth its theme, the Body documents the facts that support the theme, and the Conclusion moves forward into action. America may love stories, but it was founded on an essay!