Cancer's Reach Brandon Lawrence Robert Brown Linda Garza Eric Hanes
Introduction 90-95% of diagnosed cancer are estimated to be with related to the environment and lifestyles choices. We researched this issue and this is the information we found.
Enviroment and Cancer Issues include: Tobacco Diet Obesity Infections Radiation Stress Lack of physical activity Environmental Pollutants
Government Solutions European governments plan- By 2020 by ensuring access to: safe water and sanitation opportunities for physical activity a healthy diet, improved air quality environment free of toxic chemicals.
Continuing For consumers to choose food grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, and growth hormones Decrease environmental chemicals that can increase their risk of contracting cancer. Organic products avoid the use of these chemicals.
Cancer and Lake County Female Breast Prostate Lung and Bronchus Colorectal Skin cancer
Cancer and Indiana Lung Oral Esophageal Stomach Colon Cancer
Cancer and the U.S Lung cancer is known as the most common cancer in the world. 220,000 lives Defeated over 157,000 lives. Colon cancer is the second deadliest form of cancer in the United States 51,370 humans Breast cancer is the third greatest form of cancer. 40,000 deaths.
Cancer and the World Over 7.9 Million people have died because of cancer related diseases.
Cancer improvements at Calumet We can stop the risk of cancer in calumet high school by : Influencing to stop the people who smoke. Add more variety of fruit to food menu. For people who drink coffee, drink caffeine coffee. Change the school water to fliter tap water.
Suggestions to the administration Give out information pamflets, or announcements about cancer. Give a list of ways to reduce cancer in an individual's life.
Cancer and Races Rates of Cervical Cancer 2006(affects cervix) 11,982 women overall. 9,294 white women. 1,861 Hispanic women. 1,839 African-American women. 532 Asian/Pacific Islander women. 82 American Indian/Alaska Native women.
Continuing Does race affect cancer? Many studies are going on and some reports state that race does/does not affect a certain type of cancer. The answer to the question is not a situation where you can pin point it to a simple 'yes' or 'no' or stating if it is black or white, because their are complex answers and gray fields.
risks html releases/european-governments-adopt-comprehensive-plan-to-reduce-environmental-risks-to-health-by