General Paper 8004
1. ‘History repeats itself.’ Discuss. Consider the classic GP prompt: Under the pressure of time, how do our students tend to respond?
Students ‘on-demand’… In many cases, history tends to repeat itself. For example, if someone were to do something sometime somewhere in the world….
‘History repeats itself.’ Discuss. Initial Reaction: Historical Lens Deeper Consideration: Economic Technology Human Rights
Generating Ideas
THUMB: SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY INDEX: GOVERNMENT and POLITICS RING: SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS PINKY: MEDIA, SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT CREDITS: Teaching the General Paper: Strategies That Work, By Teachers, For Teachers National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University Edited by Caroline Ho, Peter Teo, Tay May Yin (2006) MIDDLE: ENVIRONMENT
‘‘No one should be prosecuted for helping the terminally ill to die with dignity.’ How far do you agree with this statement? WWHO has a stake in the matter? (Hot-Seat Circle) The patient The patient’s family The doctor Other medical professionals Insurance companies Hospital administration Legal experts Policy makers Religious leaders HANDOUT: Identifying Stakeholders
Read prompt; consider initial ideas Take your thoughts to a level deeper by using your access points…be prepared to DEFEND! LENSES STAKEHOLDERS/RELEVANT POINTS OF VIEW HANDOUT: Pairs Warm-Up To what extent is a university education essential?
Poster Swap: Rotating Brainstorm To what extent is a university education essential? ‘We should all eat less meat.’ How far is this true? How feasible is human settlement on other planets? As long as we communicate, does it matter if we are grammatically correct?
Poster Swap: Rotating Brainstorm RROUND 1: AAdd one idea/basic claim IN FAVOR of the prompt and one idea to OPPOSE it. NNow add one piece of concrete EVIDENCE to support each of your two ideas. RROUND 2: RRead the prompt; add one idea/basic claim IN FAVOR and one to OPPOSE. NNext, take a look at the ideas the previous group offered. EXTEND one of the ideas the previous group offered by either adding to it or disagreeing/minimizing/negating it. RROUNDS 3 & 4: RRead the prompt; respond to two ideas on the poster OR add one claim (in favor or against) plus evidence to support it.
Poster Swap: Research Challenge GROUPS of 4 Team A: In favor Team B: against GROUP selects a prompt to debate RESEARCH YOUR DEBATE TOPIC Handout: Key Word Searching BEGIN POSTER CHALLENGE Teams go back and forth (‘x’ and ‘o’ style), adding ideas to the poster and negating/minimizing ideas of the opponent until all research is exhausted. ORAL DEFENSE Teacher determines which arguments win (‘o’) and which lose (‘x’)
SHARE an idea you think will be helpful in prepping our students for the final countdown to the GP Exam ROUNDTABLE ROTATE 30-Day Bellringer Prompts Jar Activity
FSA Writing with a GP Twist ;-) Go to Click on the ‘Common Core/FSA’ tab and then the ‘FSA Writing’ drop-down option Student access: EXPOSITORY………….‘Dying Languages’ materials ARGUMENTATIVE……...‘Cursive Writing’ materials
One Set of Articles: 3 Essay Options THE PROMPTS: EXPOSITORY: Explain the benefits of teaching cursive writing. PERSUASIVE: Should cursive writing still be taught in schools? DISCURSIVE: ‘Teaching cursive writing is no longer necessary in today’s schools.’ To what extent do you agree? ACTIVITY: Groups of 4 JIGSAW: Highlight according to your purpose Expository, benefits Argumentative, in favor of… Argumentative, against… Discursive, both sides SAMPLES: Argumentative, Discursive Upgrade HIGHLIGHT the language used to set these essays apart from one another; use (+) (-) symbols to track tone of ideas.
EXTENSION ACTIVITY Reorganize Poster Challenge Teams: TEAMS pair up to write an argumentative essay to articulate their research/poster ideas offered. GROUPS team up to draft a discursive version of the essay. First they’ll meet to share their research. Then they’ll organize ideas into an outline so ideas will logically flow from one to the next. Finally, they’ll use Google Docs to draft and refine the essay.