Aburrir, Gustar, & Interesar
Gustar means “to please.”
Aburrir means “to bore”
Interesar means “to interest”
They will use Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns me (me) nos (us) te (you) le (him, her, formal you) les (them, you all)
Important! In Spanish, you don’t say “I like ___” or “you like __.” Instead you say “___ pleases me” or “___ pleases you.”
Gustar me gusta (pleases me) te gusta (pleases you) le gusta (pleases him, her, formal you) nos gusta (pleases us) les gusta (pleases them)
Example Me gusta el pescado. (Fish pleases me.) Te gusta la clase de historia. (History class pleases you.)
Interesar me interesa (interests me) te interesa (interests you) le interesa (interests him, her, formal you) nos interesa (interests us) les interesa (interests them, you all)
Example Le interesa el futbol. (Soccer interests him.)
Aburrir me aburre (bores me) te aburre (bores you) le aburre (bores him, her, formal you) nos aburre (bores us) les aburre (bores them, you all)
example Nos aburre la literatura. (Literature bores us.)
ImportantIf you are talking about something plural, you must add the letter “n” to the end of gusta, interesa, or aburre. Examples: Me gusta el deporte. Me gustan los deportes. plural add the “n”
Verbs When using a verb with gustar, interesar, and aburrir, the verb will always remain in the infinitive (unconjugated) form. Examples: Me gusta hablar. (It pleases me to talk.) Me interesa jugar tenis. (Playing tennis interests me.) Me interesa jugar tenis. (Playing tennis interests me.)
Checking for Understanding
What does “gustar” mean? to please
What does “aburrir” mean? to bore
What does “interesar” mean? to interest
The verbs gustar, aburrir, and interesar are usually accompanied by what? Indirect Object Pronouns
Starting with “me” tell the Spanish Indirect Object Pronoun that goes with each English meaning. _____ (me) _____ (us) _____ (you) _____ (him, her, formal you) _____ (them, you all) me te le nos les
If you are talking about something plural, you must add what to the end of gusta, interesa, or aburre?
How would you say “He likes cheese” in Spanish? Él le gusta el queso.
How would you say “school interests me” in Spanish? Me interesa la escuela.
How would you say “Soccer bores us” in Spanish? Nos aburre el fútbol.
How would you say “They like sports” in Spanish? Les gustan los deportes.
How would you say “Mathematics interest me” in Spanish? Me interesan las matematicas.
How would you say “sports bore you” in Spanish? Te aburren los deportes.
How would you say “I like to read” in Spanish? Me gusta leer.
How would you say “It interests him to speak Spanish” in Spanish? Le interesa hablar español.
How would you say “going to school bores us” in Spanish? Nos aburre ir a escuela.
el fin