Day 44 Verbs like Gustar
Choose the word in each group that does not belong. Then, switch the wrong words to make each group correct. 1. campoguardarraquetaportero 2. Receptorplatilloguanteportería 3. pelotacanastaredgolpear 4. batecestobalóndriblar
Expressing likes and dislikes
interesar (to interest) and aburrir (to bore) function the same in English and in Spanish. The verbs interesar (to interest) and aburrir (to bore) function the same in English and in Spanish. ¿Te aburre el béisbol?Does baseball bore you? No, el béisbol me interesa.No, baseball interests me. ¿Te aburren los deportes?Do sports bore you? No, los deportes me interesan.No, sports interest me.
INTERESAINTERESAN. Interesar = to interest/be interesting. You will only use the forms INTERESA and INTERESAN. ABURREABURREN. Aburrir = to bore/be boring. You will only use the forms ABURRE and ABURREN. Me interesan los deportes. Te aburren las matemáticas. Te interesa la escuela. Me aburre la tarea. Can you guess what makes the verb singular or plural?
The pronouns ME and TE tell you who it interests or bores. They come BEFORE the verb.
PRACTICE… Tennis is interesting to me. ____ + _________+ el tenis.
PRACTICE… Basketball is boring to you. ____ + _________+ el baloncesto.
PRACTICE… Math bores you. ____ + _________+ las matemáticas.
PRACTICE… Spanish interests me. ____ + _________+ ______________.
PRACTICE… Spain interests me. ____ + _________+ ______________.
The verb “gustar” functions the same as interesar and aburrir. EL VERBO “GUSTAR”
In Spanish, we use the verb “gustar” to express our likes and our dislikes, but it does not actually mean “to like.” EL VERBO “GUSTAR”
ENGLISHSPANISH “I like baseball.” “Baseball pleases me.” VS
Gustar = to please/be pleasing only gusta or gustan. You will only use this verb in the 3rd person - gusta or gustan. The pronouns ME and TE tell you who it is pleasing to. They come BEFORE the verb.
Mí and ti are used after a preposition: a mí and a ti. Used to add emphasis. - A mí me gusta. ¿ A ti también? - Sí, a mí también. - A mí no me gusta. ¿Y a ti ? - (No.) Ni a mí tampoco.
follows You must look at what follows the verb to decide whether to use the singular ( gusta ) or the plural ( gustan ) form of the verb. Me gusta el helado. Me gustan las fresas.
POR EJEMPLO (A mí) me gusta la fruta. Fruit is pleasing to me. (I like fruit) (A mí) me importan las notas. My grades matter to me.
To express that you like to do something : use GUSTA + INFINITIVE Me gust a jugar béisbol. Me gust a ganar. Me gust a escribir.
Me _____________ los tacos.
Me _____________ el baloncesto. or Me ___________ jugar el baloncesto.
NEGATIVE USE IN THE NEGATIVE To express that you do not like something, simply place the “no” ___________ the me/te. No No me gusta el helado. The ice cream does not please me. No No me gustan las fresas. The strawberries do not please me. No No me aburren los deportes.The sports do not bore me. No No te interesa la ciencia.Science does not interest me.
REMEMBER If a singular noun follows the verb, use: third person singular (él, ella, Ud.) form ej. Me encanta el fútbol. If a verb (INFINITIVE FORM) follows, use: third person singular (él, ella, Ud.) ej. Me encanta jugar al fútbol. If a plural noun follows, use: third person plural (ellos, ellas, Uds.) form ej. Me encantan los deportes.
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