Escribe en español. 1.that black dress 2.those green pants 3.that pink t-shirt over there 4.these white shoes 5.those brown boots over there 6.this red belt 7.that dark dress 8.that blue sweater over there
Quick Review: Adjectives describe nouns. All adjectives agree in number [singular/plural] and in gender [masculine/feminine] with the nouns they are describing. Articles in Spanish also agree in number and in gender with the nouns they go with. – Definite articles: el / la / los / las [point out a specific thing - translate to “the” in English] – Indefinite articles: un / una / unos / unas [talk about things in general - translate to “a” / “an” / “some” in English]
Using Adjectives as Nouns When you are comparing two similar things, you can avoid repetition by dropping the noun and using an article with an adjective. Repetitive: – ¿Cuál prefieres, la sudadera roja o la sudadera amarilla? Not repetitive: – ¿Cuál prefieres, la sudadera roja o la amarilla? articleadjective
– ¿Cuál te gustan más, los pantalones apretados o los flojos? – Me gustan más los flojos. You can also do this with expressions that use de (such as when showing possession or material). – ¿Compraste una chaqueta de lana o una de cuero? – ¿Prefieres la camiseta de Koty o la de Brendan?
¡A practicar! Escribe en español. 1.Did you buy the red sweater or the blue one? 2.Did she buy the gray skirt or the black one? 3.Did they buy the expensive t-shirts or the cheap ones? 4.Did he buy the cotton pants or the leather ones?