Safe water and the dignity of a toilet for all
We envision the day when everyone has access to safe water and the dignity of a toilet.
663 million people - 1 in 10 - lack access to safe water. 2.4 billion people - 1 in 3 - lack access to a toilet. Every 90 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease. Women and children spend 125 million hours each day collecting water. Water and Sanitation – A Global Crisis
Demand and Supply – Gap $8 billion WITH ONLY provided in international aid each year $1 trillion IT WOULD REQUIRE to solve the water crisis and maintain it long term
Financial institutions People in need of safe water + sanitation WASH NGOs Contractors Banks and Capital Markets WaterCredit Model
Water Individual Water Connections Shallow wells / Hand pumps Boreholes / Bore wells Rainwater harvesting structures Water Quality (WQ) Filters Sanitation Toilets Connected to Sewage Leach pit Toilets Toilet with Septic Tank Biogas Digesters Ecosan Toilets Sanitation Renovations WaterCredit Loan Products Types
WaterCredit – India Specific India People Served 26,17,182 % Women Clients96% Loans Amount Disbursed by Partners to Clients Crossed Rs 750 crores Subsidies to Partners Crossed Rs 55 crores Cost Per Person only Smart Subsidy cost Reduced consistently from Rs 935 to Rs 207 Average Loan SizeRs Average Repayment Rate99% No.of WaterCredit Loans6,44,827 Water Loans2,80,998 Sanitation Loans3,46,949 Water & Sanitation10,311 Water Quality6,569
WaterCredit –Geographical Outreach In India Total WC active states in India -15
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