Definitions Realpolitik: Politics based on the realities of power or national self-interest, carried out without regard to world opinion or moral implications. Superpower: an extremely powerful nation. Specifically, one of a very few dominant states in an era when the world is divided politically into these states and their satellites
Definitions Great Power: A country prior to WWII that was considered to be dominant and extremely powerful, but not as powerful as a superpower. Middle Power: Views of politically and economically powerful states such as Canada that are less militarily powerful than superpowers, but can be influential as global mediators. Lesser Power: Countries of lesser importance which are economically and politically weaker than middle powers
Student Activity: In a Think, Pair, Share respond to the following question: What factors might prevent a Great, Middle and Lesser power from pursuing their national interest? Write down in your pair provide an example of a factor for each power.
Definitions Realist: Power politics, narrow interests; a country’s own interests above all others; focused on outcomes in the short term. Idealist: International cooperation; altruistic; respect for rules; fairness; actions need moral justification, broader, long term outcomes.
International Influence The interests of a nation often manifest in its interactions with foreign nations. These interests are developed and protected via a nation’s influences, which can take several forms: Global influence – American Hegemony Hemispheric influence – American Drug War Continental influence – Germany in European $ Regional influence – India: economy/nuclear weapons
National Interest Is a country's goals and ambitions whether economic, military, or cultural. The concept is an important one in international relations where pursuit of the national interest is the foundation of the realist school. The national interest of a state is multi-faceted. Primary is the state's survival and security. Also important is the pursuit of wealth and economic growth and power. Many states, especially in modern times, regard the preservation of the nation's culture as of great importance.
International Prestige Refers to a the international perception (reputation) of the status of a nation. It is in the interests of all nations to maintain a high standard of international prestige as it lends credibility and validity to a nation and its pursuits. Prestige can be derived from a variety of sources including military or economic strength, environmental leadership, social or cultural influence, etc…
National Prosperity Central to the success and growth of a nation is its prosperity. National prosperity assumes different forms depending on the interests and goals of a nation. National prosperity can be seen as both mutually exclusive and inclusive towards internationalism.
International Competition National interests are often in competition on an international level. Scarcity is the underlying cause of international competition. Nations compete for both resources and markets.
Ukraine’s Strategic Importance Ukraine's Strategic Importance
Exit Pass 1. Russia’s actions in the Ukraine could best be described as idealist or realist foreign policy? Choose one and explain why! 2. Based on Russia’s involvement in the Ukraine the exercise of their influence could be described as regional, continental, hemispheric, or global? 3. International prestige refers to the international perception of a nation based on its reputation. How might Russia’s international prestige change as a result of its actions in Ukraine?