McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction I would like to have a meeting to discuss Spring 2014 scheduling for ITV receiving sites. Is there a better way??? Also, I will be passing out the list of receiving sites that has been sent to HLC for approval. Heads up we can only send programs to approved sites that are approved to receive the program.
2 There are many ways to lead, and indeed we are influenced by some people even centuries after they are gone. ConfuciusWright Brothers Queen Elizabeth l Teachers Heroes Rulers Three Types of Leaders Some are teachers, the rule breakers and value creators.
3 There are many ways to lead, and indeed we are influenced by some people even centuries after they are gone. ConfuciusWright Brothers Queen Elizabeth l Teachers Heroes Rulers Three Types of Leaders Some are heroes, devoted to great causes and noble works.
4 There are many ways to lead, and indeed we are influenced by some people even centuries after they are gone. ConfuciusWright Brothers Queen Elizabeth l Teachers Heroes Rulers Three Types of Leaders Some are rulers, motivated principally to dominate others and to exercise power.
5 It was December 1, 1955, when a white passenger aboard a Montgomery, Alabama bus asked Rosa Parks to yield her seat. Leadership can come from everyday people
6 “The history of the human race is the biographies of its leaders...” Thomas Carlyle Leadership The Case for Nature
7 Ramses ll Odysseus The patterns of behavior regarded as acceptable in leaders differ from time to time and from one culture to another. The elements of time and circumstance seem to play a part in determining leadership. The same individual may exert leadership in one time and place and not in another. Ralph Stogdill Leadership, The Case for Nurture
8 Where Leaders Learn to Lead Experience Education Examples
9 What People Want in a Leader Integrity Job Knowledge People Building Skills
10 Seven Satisfactions of Leaders 1.A feeling of power and prestige 2.A chance to help others 3.High income 4.Respect and status 5.Good opportunities for advancement 6.A feeling of being “in on things” 7.An opportunity to control money and other resources
11 Seven Frustrations of Leaders 1.Too much uncompensated work time 2.Too many “headaches” 3.Not enough authority to carry out responsibilities 4.Loneliness 5.Too many problems involving people 6.Too much organizational politics 7.The pursuit of conflicting goals
12 The Leader must care! Care about the task Care about the people
13 What is the difference between leadership and management? 1.Setting (establishing) a direction 2.Providing resources to succeed 3.Supporting the people to accomplish results Management involves four essential processes: 1.Planning 2.Organizing 3.Directing 4.Controlling Leadership is popularly used to describe what takes place in the first three of these functions:
14 Henry Fayol John Kotter Leadership vs. Management