The Pursuit of a Healthy Diet Chapter 2
The ABCs of Eating for Health Adequacy Balance Calorie control Moderation Variety
Nutrient Recommendations The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) The DRI for nutrients Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) Adequate Intake (AI) Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
Nutrient Recommendations The DRI for Energy Nutrients Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) Carbohydrate: 45%-65% of calories Fats: 20%-35% of calories Protein: 10%-35% of calories
The Challenge of Dietary Guidelines Dietary Guidelines for Americans Adequate nutrients within energy needs Weight management Physical activity Food groups to encourage Fats Carbohydrates Sodium & potassium Alcoholic beverages Food safety
Grazer’s Guide to Smart Snacking Grazing - eating small amounts of food at intervals Choose snacks that contribute to nutritional needs Healthful High in fiber Nutrient rich Balance of energy nutrients
Introducing the MyPyramid Diet- Planning Tool Use the power of the pyramid to achieve a healthy lifestyle Activity Variety Proportionality Moderation Personalization Gradual improvements
Introducing the MyPyramid Diet- Planning Tool Use the power of the pyramid to build a healthful diet Estimate your energy needs (Table 2-4) Build your daily eating plan (Table 2-5) Let the pyramid guide your food choices
Introducing the MyPyramid Diet- Planning Tool Using the pyramid to meet nutrient needs Using the pyramid to moderate energy intakes Gaining calorie control: the discretionary calorie allowance
Rules of Thumb for Portion Sizes--It’s All in Your Hands One fist, clenched = 8 fl oz Two hands, cupped = 1 cup One hand, cupped = 1/2 cup Palm of hand = 3 oz Two thumbs together = 1 tbsp
More Tools for Diet Planning Food labels Statement of identity Name & location of manufacturer, packer, or distributor Net quantity Ingredients list Nutrition Facts panel
More Tools for Diet Planning Nutrition Facts panel Amounts & daily values for mandatory nutrients Daily Values Nutrient content claims Health claims
More Tools for Diet Planning Exchange lists
Color Your Plate for Health with a Variety of Fruits & Vegetables Color your plate with health-protective foods Phytochemicals Antioxidant nutrients Be adventurous: select from as wide a variety of fruits & vegetables as possible Make it easy on yourself!
A Tapestry of Cultures & Cuisines Native cuisines vs. Americanized versions Mexican Chinese Italian Mediterranean diet Indian
A Tapestry of Cultures & Cuisines “Soul food” or “southern” cooking Kosher foods (Jewish)