Nuclear Research Proposal for EURATOM/HORIZON2020 call Karel Katovsky, PhD. Nuclear Power Research Group Department of Electrical Power Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic Regional Brokerage Event and Info Day on EURATOM - April 8 th, 2016 Krzywickiego 34, Warsaw, Poland
MSc in Nuclear Engineering (Czech Tech. Univ., 2001) PhD in Nuclear Data (JINR Dubna & CTU, 2008) Assistant prof. in Nucl.Eng. at CTU Prague SJS - Reactor physicist at Dukovany NPP From 2013 Assistant prof. in Nucl.Eng. at BUT Brno Research interests: ADS, nuclear data, thorium, nuclear fuel and nuclear fuel cycle AUTHOR 2
Accident Tolerant Fuel Investigation Thermal conductivity enhancement Critical heat flux investigation on modified cladding surface Modelling and simulations SCALE, SERPENT for PARCS/TRACE NJOY, MCNP FRAPCON, FEMAXI Accelerator Driven Systems Research (Neutron spectra, Nuclear Data) NUCLEAR POWER RESEARCH GROUP 3
Inherently Safe Nuclear Reactor Coordinator – Czech Technical University Partners Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic The University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Institut Jozef Stefan, Slovenia Uzhgorodskyi Nacionalnyi Universitet, Ukraine Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Armenia Objectives – increase safety of present nuclear power plants Fuel systems: propose and develop new accident tolerant nuclear fuel with improved economics. Safety systems: the R&D objective in this area is to seek engineering solutions relevant to improving thermal hydraulics and safety. Integrated modelling and optimization: The objective of this Area is to quantify the benefits of new fuel and cladding types developed in Areas 1 and 2 in terms of safety and economics. The new materials developed in this project may allow significant increase in the core power density, allow achieving much higher burnup and at the same time maintain or even increase the safety margins. BUT tasks – nuclear fuel investigation and modelling ISER PROJECT (CALL NFRP , TOPIC NFRP ) 4
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Dr. A. Sakharov, Peace Nobel Prize Winner Prof. F. Janouch, nuclear scientist, Charta 77 Foundation Chairman NUCLEAR ENERGY AND THE FREEDOM OF THE WEST Secure, safe and sustainable supply of electrical energy, heat and fuels, is one of the key questions of recent society; question which is directly connected with our independence and sovereignty, our standard of living, our development or a fall. Regional Brokerage Event and Info Day on EURATOM - April 8 th, 2016 Krzywickiego 34, Warsaw, Poland