Vashek Matyáš vice-dean for foreign affairs and external relations Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Faculty of Informatics in numbers About 2000 students About 60% in Bachelor programs 35% Master 5% PhD Over 100 (of ±500) final theses with industry every year
Industry collaboration Association of Industrial Partners CERIT Industrial Park
Master program in Service Science, Management and Engineering Graduates with IT background and basic competences in marketing, project management and enterprise communication 5-month internships (4 days/week, about 90 mandays) mandatory 2012 – 64 students, 2013 – 84 students 2014 – 73 students, 2015 – 94 students
Case 1: Strategic Partner – Y Soft Theses: 2009 – 2015: 43 theses successfully defended Internships 2009 – 2015: 10 students 2016: 8 students Student lab R&D positions 2009 – 2015: 9 students 2016: 5 students Defended BSc/MSc theses
Case 2: Strategic Partner – Red Hat Theses (BSc & MSc) 130+ defended FI MU) since 2012 Internships About 100 interns working at RH Brno (from all universities) every year 20 more university-based interns FI MU)
Future plans (w.r.t. internships) Build on very good experience Include in more programs Expand support infrastructure