KIRIRAH FLORAH K. REG NO: A56/73543/2012 Supervisors; Dr. E.S. Ariga(Dept. Ps& Cp) Prof. R.W. Michieka(Dept. Ps& Cp) Dr. W. M. Maina(Dept. Ps& Cp) Dr. F. Kanampiu (CIMMYT)
Objectives Broad objective To increase maize yield by reducing striga parasitism on maize by intercropping with green grams Specific objectives To evaluate the effect of intercropping maize with green grams on Striga parasitism and yields. To evaluate the effect of plant arrangement in an intercrop of green grams with maize in reduction of Striga. To determine the cost-benefit analysis associated with intercropping maize and green grams as a technology for Striga control.
Methodology Experiment site; Alupe KARI station, Busia county. Experimental design; RCBD Treatments; Green grams planted in same hill with the maize. One row of green grams planted between two rows of maize at 37.5cm from each maize plant. Two rows of green grams planted between two rows of maize.
Methodology cont’ Broadcasting of green grams will be done in the maize field and thinning to coincide with the recommended green gram pure stand population plants per/ha. Maize and green grams planted in the same hill plus one line of green grams between the maize rows Maize alone with striga incorporated Maize without striga. Green grams sole crop.
Experiments in season one Determination of the effect of intercropping maize with green grams on Striga parasitism and yields. Determination of the effect of plant arrangement in an intercrop of green grams with maize in reduction of Striga. Determination of the cost-benefit analysis associated with intercropping maize and green grams as a technology for Striga control.
Striga count table of means 8 th WAP 10 th WAP 12 th WAP 14 th WAP 16 th WAP Averag e Maize without Striga 0.0 a a a a a 0.544a Same hill plus one row b b b b b 2.690b One row c b b b b 2.761bc Broadcasting cd b bc bc bc 2.922bc Same hill d b bc bc b 2.836bc Two rows d b b b bc 2.798bc Maize with striga e b c c c 3.125c %cv
Table of means for the Yield parameters Grain Weight Field Weight Moisture content 1000 seed weight Maize without Striga 4015 a 5555 a a a Same hill plus one row 2325 b 3028 b b b One row 1580 c 1980 c b ab Two rows 1560 c 2265 bc b b Broad casting 1485 c 1870 c b b Same hill 1000 cd 1600 cd b bc Maize with Striga 680 d 1045 d b c % cv
No. of cobs Cob diameter Cob Length Girth diameter Maize with Striga30.00a10.95a3.15a4.4a Same hill46.50b12.57b3.675b5.565b Broadcasting47.00b12.47b3.600b5.785bc One row48.75b12.77b3.725b6.100bcd Two rows b3.825bc5.795bc Same hill plus one row 58.50bc15.95c4.025c6.630cd Maize without striga 67.00c16.42c4.075c6.935d %cv Table showing the cob data means
Table of means for the Green grams data BiomassNo. of branchesNo. of podsStand One row404 a a a ab same hill411 a 77 a a 84.5 a Two rows805 a a a b Broad casting826 a a a b same hill plus one row 829 a 207 a a b Green grams3881 b b b c %cv
Plan to completion ACTIVITYTIME (2013) Completion of data collection for season A July Completion of the 1 st 3 chaptersMay Analysis of season A dataJuly Thesis draft oneAugust Thesis Draft twoMid September Submission of thesisEnd September GraduationDecember