“The Great Gatsby” Expository Essay
The American Dream a) What is Fitzgerald’s portrayal of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby? What are its attractions and pitfalls? b) What are the consequences (costs and benefits) Fitzgerald presents for pursuing the American Dream? c) To what extent is the pursuit of the American Dream worth the cost?
Women and Society’s Expectations a)Examine the role of the three major women in the novel: Daisy, Jordan, and Myrtle. How and why does each woman find herself in conflict with society’s expectations of them? b)How does each negotiate that conflict? In other words, what does each woman do in an attempt to resolve this conflict? c)To what extent is each woman successful in resolving the conflict and what does their success or failure say about each woman’s place in society?
The Great in “The Great Gatsby” a)What is the meaning of the novel’s title? What does “great” mean in this novel? b)With this definition, evaluate the extent to which Gatsby is “great.” What makes him “great”? What makes him not so “great”? Discuss both the alluring and dark sides of Gatsby. c)How does the title of the novel symbolize greater themes and messages Fitzgerald expresses in his novel? Why does the novel’s title matter?
Ethics, Wealth and Money a)What does Fitzgerald suggest is the relationship between having money/wealth and one’s ethics/integrity? How is the relationship between money/wealth and ethics similar and different for those who do not have money/wealth? b)To what extent do people with wealth and money get away with unethical practices? If they do, why does this happen? Why do they have the power to get away with bad behavior? c)To what extent does Fitzgerald offer a solution or even hope that one can be wealthy, rich, and ethical? Can one be both wealthy/rich and ethical? Is it easier to be poor and ethical? Why or why not?
The Reinvention of the Self a)To what extent can a person truly and successfully reinvent himself or herself? Can a person truly forsake his or her past and become someone new? b)What do you gain and lose when you try to reinvent yourself? c)Are the benefits worth the costs? What does Fitzgerald ultimately seem to say about whether a person can successfully reinvent him/herself? Examine characters who attempt to reinvent themselves, how they attempt to do this, and the consequences of this pursuit.