Killer Plagues Journal Questions, Objectives, and Agendas READ 180 Mr. Overacker
Welcome Back, Wildcats! Tuesday, September 6, 2o11 How was your Labor Day weekend? What did you do? What does the holiday mean to you and how is it important to our community? My Labor Day holiday went….
State Standards & Objectives I will use before reading strategies to connect to the rBook readings. I will respond to the Anchor Video. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Answer Preview Questions; watch Anchor Video Small Group: Connect & Respond Questions; find the Main Idea and details of “A Modern Epidemic” Computers: Go to Reading Zone Independent Reading Wrap-Up Tuesday, 9/06/11
Killer Plagues #2 – 9/07/11 On the back of your “Assignment List” paper: Tell me about a time that YOU were really sick or injured. What happened to you? How did you act? How did you feel? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards & Objectives I will define the target words for Workshop 1. I will make predictions about the articles using headlines and photos. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Read WS 2 Introduction Small Group: Vocabulary Study Computers: Go to Reading Zone Ind. Read: Quickwrites & graphic Organizers Wrap-Up Wednesday, 9/07/11
Killer Plagues # 3 – 9/08/11 On the back of your calendar sheet: Write a definition of the word PLAGUE. Why are plagues so dangerous? How have plagues effected the world? Can you think of any famous plagues? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
Killer Plagues – 9/08/11 Please complete each sentence, and underline the vocabulary word: 1. ______________ & _____________ are examples of diseases that are NOT contagious. 2. The epidemic in the town caused… 3. ____________________ can have a significant impact on your reading progress. 4. The internal injury caused… 5. Wossman students have shown resistance towards...
State Standards Objectives I will read “Prepared for Smallpox.” I will find the sequence of events for the article. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Read article; find topic Small Group: Fill out Sequence of Events Graphic Organizer Computers: Go to Reading Zone Ind. Read: Quickwrites & graphic Organizers BALLOONS! Thursday, 9/08/11
Killer Plagues # 4 – 9/09/11 Why might it be dangerous if smallpox got into the wrong hands? What could happen? What are possible solutions? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards Objectives I will read “Killer Without a Cure” I will identify sequence words in the article. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Read article; underline sequence words Small Group: Answer questions p. 37 Computers: Go to Reading Zone Ind. Read: Quickwrites & graphic Organizers Wrap-Up Friday, 9/09/11
Killer Plagues # 5 – 9/12/11 Would you want to work at the CDC in Atlanta? What would be cool about it? What would be dangerous? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards Objectives I will find the sequence of events for “Killer Without a Cure.” I will have a grade conference with Mr. Overacker. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Fill out graphic organizer p. 39 Small Group: Grade Conferences; New Vocab Computers: Go to Reading Zone Ind. Read: Quickwrites & Graphic Organizers Wrap-Up Monday, 9/12/11
Killer Plagues # 6 – 09/13/11 How would you feel if you were part of the clean-up team in Kitwit? What would you have seen? How would you have reacted? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards & Objectives I will read “The Black Death.” I will identify sequence words in the article. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Read article; define new vocab Small Group: Identify Sequence Words Computers: Go to Reading Zone Ind. Read: Quickwrites & Graphic Organizers Wrap-Up Tuesday, 09/13/11
Killer Plagues # 7 – 09/14/11 During the plague, many people left their families behind. They tried to save themselves. Do you think that was the right thing to do? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards & Objectives I will show my reading growth on the SRI. I will choose a final book project for the 1 st quarter. Agenda Journal Whole Group: introduce requirements for final book project SRI In class work time for Project Wrap-Up Wednesday, 09/14/11
Killer Plagues # 8 – 09/15/11 If you were in the village of Eyam during the plague, would you have stayed? Or would you have tried to escape? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards & Objectives I will reflect on my 1 st quarter progress. I will start the final draft of my book project. Agenda Journal Whole Group: introduce written reflection; go over examples Small Group: write Reflection; finish Book Project Computers: You can retake the SRI today or tomorrow Wrap-Up Thursday, 09/15/11
Killer Plagues #9, 09/16/11 What are your plans for the weekend? Who will you spend time with? Are you going anywhere special? What kinds of things will you do? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards & Objectives I will re-take the SRI if necessary. I will finish the final draft of my book project. Agenda Journal Whole Group: students retake SRI; make up work Small Group: finish Book Project; Action Plan with Mr. Overacker Computers: You can retake the SRI today or tomorrow Wrap-Up Friday, 09/16/11
State Standards & Objectives I will find the main idea and details of “Homeboy to the Rescue.” I will analyze a bar graph. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Points drawing; review article Small Group: Main Idea & Details for whole article Computers: Go to Reading Zone Ind. Read: Quickwrites & Graphic Organizers Wrap-Up Monday, 09/19/11
Killer Plagues #10 09/19/11 Please complete each sentence, and underline the vocabulary word: 1. A feasible plan to deal with a fire is… 2. One way to be exposed to cold germs is… 3. You can be infected with Ebola by… 4. Mr. Overacker estimates that… 5. The courageous pilot…
State Standards Objectives I will compare and contrast different plagues. I will choose an extension article to read. Agenda Journal Whole Group: compare and contrast graphic organizer Small Group: choose article for GRO Computers: type slowly in Spelling Zone – don’t lose pts Ind. Read: Quickwrites & Graphic Organizers Wrap-Up Tuesday, 09/20/11
Killer Plagues #11 09/21/11 Which disease do you think could be most deadly in the modern world: smallpox, Ebola, or the Black Death? Why is this disease more dangerous than the others? How might it affect the population? Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards & Objectives I will read my extension article and practice during reading strategies. I will draft my after reading summary. Agenda Journal Whole Group: During Reading – find the main idea and details of each section Small Group: After Reading – write a summary paragraph Computers: type slowly in Spelling Zone – don’t lose pts Independent Reading Wrap-Up Wednesday, 09/21/11
Killer Plagues #12 09/22/11 What’s one thing that you expect before getting started on The Catcher in the Rye? What kind of book do you think it will be? What does the cover art tell you about the book? Explain. Please answer in at least 3-5 sentences.
State Standards & Objectives I will write a final summary of my extension article. I will review Novel Packet procedures. Agenda – Half Day Journal Whole Group: Finish GRO; Summary Final Draft Independent Reading Wrap-Up Thursday, 09/22/11
Killer Plagues #13 09/22/11 Please copy the following definition: Synonyms – words that have similar meanings Now, brainstorm as many synonyms as you can for: SMALL SMART --
State Standards Objectives I will define synonyms and antonyms. I will practice vocabulary in the Word Challenge. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Introduce Prefixes; Do word webs Small Group: Word Challenge; Vocab Review Computers Independent Reading Wrap-Up Friday, 09/23/11
Killer Plagues #14 09/23/11 Please copy the following definition: Antonyms – words that have opposite meanings Now, brainstorm antonyms for the words LARGE, SMART, ANGRY, CONFUSED For Example: ancient and modern; tiny and huge
State Standards Objectives I will play a vocab review game. I will demonstrate my mastery of WS 2 Vocabulary. Agenda Journal Whole Group: Introduce Antonyms; Vocab Jeopardy Small Group: WS 1 Vocab QUIZ Computers Independent Reading Wrap-Up Monday, 09/26/11
Killer Plagues #15 09/26/11 Copy the following sentences. For the underlined word, please substitute a good synonym. 1) He estimated that the building was 45 feet tall. 2) There has been an epidemic of pink eye at Central. 3) My football coach had an important impact on my sports career. 4) The disease was so contagious that doctors wore protective suits. 5) His plan to read 5 books in 2 days didn’t seem feasible. 6) The lifeguard who rescued the drowning girl was very courageous.
State Standards Writing & Objectives I will identify the parts of a narrative paragraph. I will brainstorm ideas for my narrative paragraph. Agenda Journal Whole Group: review sample narrative paragraph Small Group: brainstorm ideas for paragraph; start planning your paragraph Computers Independent Reading Wrap-Up Tuesday, 09/27/11
Killer Plagues #16 09/27/11 Please correct the CAPITALIZATION errors in these sentences. 1) There is no way to build resistance to ebola. 2) her internal injuries were severe. 3) the school nurse said maria had been exposed to a virus. 4) The plague killed half the population of medieval europe. 5) why did he register to take french instead of spanish? 6) My dad took me to see the arizona diamondbacks play.
State Standards Writing & Objectives I will write a rough draft of my narrative paragraph. I will explain sentence fragments and capitalization rules. Agenda Journal Whole Group: review sentence fragments and capitalization Small Group: finish rough drafts; grammar practice Computers Independent Reading Wrap-Up Wednesday, 09/28/11
Killer Plagues #17 09/28/11 Write 5 examples of sentence fragments. For example: went to the store Jessica and her closest friends When you finish, get your rough draft/final draft out and start writing.
State Standards Writing & Objectives I will edit my paragraph for fragments and capitalization. I will write a final draft of my narrative paragraph. Agenda Journal Whole Group: edit student example Small Group: edit your own paragraph; write final draft Computers Independent Reading Wrap-Up Thursday, 09/29/11
Killer Plagues #18 09/29/11 Please write a list of all the concepts and objectives that we have covered in WS 2 – Killer Plagues. You can use your rBooks, if necessary. 1. Sentence Fragments 2. _________________ 3. _________________
State Standards All Objectives I will review WS 2 concepts. Agenda Journal Whole Group: go over content of Wrap-Up test Small Group: review activity; finish final draft Computers Independent Reading Wrap-Up Friday, 09/30/11
Wrap-Up Test Concepts “Prepared for Smallpox,” “Killer Without a Cure,” & “The Black Death” Define Sequence of Events Common Sequence Words Find the correct sequence in a text 10 Vocabulary words Synonyms & Antonyms Run-On Sentences Capitalization Parts of a Narrative Paragraph
Killer Plagues #19 09/30/11 Write a list of 5 expectations that students should follow during a test.
State Standards All Objectives I will demonstrate my mastery of WS 2 concepts on the Wrap-Up test. Agenda Journal Whole Group: final review; take test; progress conferences Computers Independent Reading Wrap-Up Monday, 10/02/11
Test Day Expectations NO talking NO eyes wandering NO paper shuffling or noise making NO CHEATING of any kind When You FINISH Turn your test into the basket Make sure you’ve finished your Narrative Paragraph Get a Reading Challenge Computers or Independent Reading
Test Taking Strategies Try your best Take your time Skip questions that are really difficult; come back to them at the end Check your answers before you turn in your test Write in complete sentences