True Light Middle School of HK The whole-school approach on promoting Reading for enhancing students’ language proficiency.


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Presentation transcript:

True Light Middle School of HK The whole-school approach on promoting Reading for enhancing students’ language proficiency

閱讀啟智 追求卓越 School Development Plan ( )

The Whole-school Approach on Promoting Reading for Enhancement of Students’ Language Proficiency 全校參與 透過閱讀提升語文能力

The Whole-school Approach on Promoting Reading for Enhancement of Students’ Language Proficiency 全校參與 透過閱讀提升語文能力

How the SDP was formulated? 1. All teachers were involved School Improvement Team Panel Head Meeting Executive Meeting Staff Deliberative Meeting

2. Questionnaire

How the SDP was formulated?

3. The SDP has been made with conscious awareness of the demands of education reforms Seven Learning Goals 七個學習宗旨 課程發展議會就教育目標和學校課程宗旨,訂 定以下七個學習宗旨,期望在十年內,學生能 夠: iii. develop a habit of reading independently 養成獨立閱讀的習慣

Four Key Tasks 四個關鍵項目 Reading to Learn 「從閱讀中學習」 課程改革的四個關鍵項目之一 是課程改革的四個關鍵項目之一 Other Key Tasks : - Civic & Moral Education 德育及公民教育 - Project Learning 專 題 研 習 - Information Technology for Interactive Learning 運用資訊科技進行互動學習

How to enhance students' language proficiency through reading Learn to Read Learn to Read, Read to Write ( I ) Learn to Read, Read to Write ( I I)

Major Concern I - Enhancement of Students’ Language Proficiency Through Reading Reading Team EMI Team

By fostering a reading-rich environment to encourage students to read more Introducing Morning Reading Time 0815 – 0835 (20 minutes) Compiling a Reading Portfolio in TL Reading Journal Launching a Book Donation Programme Collecting books from parents, alumni, teachers, students Setting up a Reader’s Cafe in the covered playground next to tuck shop

Buddy system - Two F.6 Students  1 classroom (F.1 – F.5) Introduce Morning Reading Time 20 minutes in every morning F.6 Training Camp during the summer holiday + continuous support & review throughout the year - The F.6 students read together with the class that they monitor

To record students’ reading portfolio throughout their stay in True Light 1 Phantom of the Opera Gaston Leroux I like this story very much because it is very touching and romantic.


Whole School Reading Award Scheme For students who finish reading 30 books  a certificate and a gift 60 books  a book coupon Encourage students to set a target of getting AT LEAST ONE COUPON during her stay in True Light  develop & sustain motivation & interest in reading  develop & sustain motivation & interest in reading

Reader’s Cafe Setting up a "Readerland" in the Covered Playground next to the Tuck shop where students can read in a leisurely way

Kaleidoscope Your adventure to the English World Building an English-rich environment

K-Zone is a wonderland for us to learn English. I like it !

(1) Collection of Books (2)Putting books in the Reader’s Cafe at covered playground for students to read (3) Books will be shelved in front of the School office available for free taking by students Book Donation Programme

By fostering a reading-rich environment in school Reading Team to encourage students to read more

EMI Team 1.To create an English- rich environment in school 2.To facilitate students’ learning in English Proverb of the month Notice board in classroom 3. To provide professional development, assistance and support to EMI subject teachers To read effectively

Learn to Read Students at all levels will acquire some basic reading skills during the first few months of the school term through English subject lessons. Students then apply the reading skills acquired from the reading materials provided by all EMI subjects. Chinese subject teachers will equip the students with various reading skills according to the themes required by the syllabus.

Participated in Development of Language Across the Curriculum for English-medium Education (DOLACEE) in a project operated by the Quality Assurance Division of EDB, which aims to provide support for teachers using English as a medium of instruction (EMI). Two teachers ( English + Chemistry): attended 'training the trainer' course entitled 'ESL in the Mainstream ' ( Australian language specialists ) As licensed teacher-tutors (EMI Team Coordinators)

Teacher training workshops on reading & writing skills were conducted

Overview of Collaborative Work in our school