OLIVIA HARDISON October 26 th -30 th 2015
SENIORS-MONDAY Respond to one of the following with at least two paragraphs. You may give your opinion and experience or observation. Gender stereotypes in a relationship: Is it okay for a boy to cry? How is each gender expected to act? How does society today influence this? OR: Abortion: A heartless murder, or a method of birth control? ostentatious (flashy), condescending (arrogant), clairvoyant (intuitive), demagogue (manipulator), precocious (gifted), evanescent (temporary), exasperation (frustration), impetuous (impulsive), mundane (ordinary), pretentious (exaggerated). Literary Terms: dialect, tone, style, satire, rhetoric. Agenda: Choose a topic to write a speech about, or Prepare an outline for a presentation of your research project You may choose your own or pick one from this list:
JUNIORS- MONDAY What does it mean to have power? List three people that have power and explain how they use it; respectable or corrupt? Vocabulary: Horizon (skyline), Resignation, (acceptance), Sodden (wet), pelt(covering), treacherous (unfaithful or deceitful). Literary terms: Imagery, dialect, symbolism, tone, allegory. Review Items Checklist has ALL OF THESE! NO EXCUSES! Agenda: Their Eyes Were Watching God PowerPoint and notes
SENIORS- TUESDAY Respond to one or both of the following with two paragraphs: Does the TV show ’16 and pregnant’ promote teen pregnancy, or what is the role of mass media in shaping public opinion? Create one sentence for each vocabulary word: ostentatious, condescending, clairvoyant, demagogue, precocious, evanescent, exasperation, impetuous, mundane, pretentious. Find one example for each literary term: dialect, tone, style, satire, rhetoric. Agenda: Recall and Review: on your journal, compose a response to your peers who presented yesterday’s journal. Scholarships/Applications
JUNIORS-TUESDAY Does your culture influence you in any way? Why or why not? If yes, how so? One sentence per vocabulary word: Horizon (skyline), Resignation, (submissive), Sodden (wet), pelt (abuse), treacherous (unfaithful or deceitful). Literary Terms example (WRITE THESE DOWN): Imagery-the velvet red blood rushed from my vein. Dialect- “Ain’t nobody gone do nothin’” Symbolism- A chain can represent oppression or two beings coming together. Tone- Author Miller’s tone towards communism is mocking. Allegory- The Crucible is an allegory for communism. Agenda: Complete paper and it or print it at the media center TWR, conclude and give a statement about your peers journals from yesterday.
SENIORS-WEDNESDAY Respond to the following: Polygamy should be legalized, or the negative impact of a lesbian mother on her daughter. Spelling Bee W: Complete college apps/scholarships. TWR, conclude and give a statement about your peers journals from yesterday.
JUNIORS- WEDNESDAY Do you believe in gender roles? Should men act a certain way? Women? Explain. Spelling Bee Begin reading TEWWG TWR, conclude and give a statement about your peers journals from yesterday. Reflective partners: Students will be assigned one to two partners to discuss and annotate the text. This must be written on paper and they must be able to discuss as a class. Reflective Partners: Reader Response Journal: After every two chapters, choose a reading strategy, and write a paragraph about the novel. Example: If you pick connect, answer the following question: Have you ever felt the way Janie did when her mother told her to do something she didn’t want to do? How did you react? Make sure you use all six reading strategies before repeating them. This will allow students to better understand what is happening in the novel, and by giving them choices, they will be more apt to complete it. Reading Strategies: Connect (relate), expand (add detail), evaluate (give your opinion), question (ask questions about the text), infer (assume), and visualize-in this case, describe what you picture in your head.
SENIORS- THURSDAY Respond to one of the following: Torture as a useful interrogation tool for particularly heinous crimes like rape, child molestation, murders etc., or Abolishment of the jury, giving sole power of decision to a judge or to a panel of judges. Quiz game College apps/scholarships Write a response to a peer’s journal presentation from yesterday.
JUNIORS-THURSDAY Why is growth important? Think of maturity, intellect, and individuality. TWR Respond to a peer’s journal from yesterday about gender roles. Visit Media Center for Mrs. Coats.
SENIORS- FRIDAY Free Write or respond to one of the following: Fast food chains should face regulations as a result of the nation’s obesity problem, OR why mass school shootings should not get media attention. Respond to a peer’s journal presentation from yesterday about torture or no jury. Quiz Present Speeches or Presentations
JUNIORS-FRIDAY Is it okay to remarry if you were unhappy with your previous marriage(s)? Explain. Study for Quiz Respond to one students journal from yesterday. Read/Reflective pairs/partners Individual response