Building Capacity Through Medical Education Inis Jane Bardella, M.D., FAAFP Medical Education Consultant
Goals Challenge to think differently Motivate to medical education action Reinvigorate the old
Objectives Discuss the partial successes and ongoing challenges related to improving health in the developing world Discuss building medical education capacity as the most effective and sustainable means to improve health globally Discuss the opportunities and challenges for students, residents, faculty and physicians in practice in medical education capacity building
What Has Been Accomplished Money and Stuff – $100,000,000,000s World Health Organization Word Bank United States Agency for International Development US State Department Centers for Disease Control and Prevention European Union Commonwealth Fund Canada Australia Medical Missions Foundations
What Has Been Accomplished Morbidity and Mortality Improvements Tropical diseases Communicable diseases Chronic diseases Maternal outcomes Infant health Childhood immunization Trauma outcomes
What Has Been Accomplished Development Beginning Professional education and development Community health workers CME/CPD Visiting faculty Residency programs Long term expat faculty
What Has Been Accomplished Development (Cont’) Leadership development Informal vs Strategic “Technical assistance” Advice and consultation Family medicine Present in most regions Variable progress
Remaining Challenges Indigenous “Capacity” – Quantity, Competence PPROFESSIONALS – not technicians EEducators LLeaders RRetention MMentoring Progressive morbidity and mortality improvement FFAMILY MEDICINE PPublic Health EElimination of industrialized-majority world disparity
“Sustainability” Human Pipeline (Recruitment) Retention Ongoing Financial Indigenous Expatriate Political – Major Stability Perspective Corruption
Remaining Challenges Donor Focus “He who pays the piper picks the tune.” Stealing the best and brightest Non-medical Electricity Internet access Internet bandwidth
What is the solution? Family medicine Medical education of nationals
Family Medicine: Ecuador Acknowledgement: Dr. Calvin Wilson 1986 to Present, Formal start 1988 GOAL: Higher quality, more strongly trained primary care physicians Leadership HCJB Mission hospital Hoy Cristo Jesus Bendice Surgery and IM Expatriate faculty Wife-husband national faculty
Family Medicine: Ecuador Accomplishments FM established Contextualized to Ecuador Residency competitive Respected Faculty National Pipeline Visiting expatriate Service and referral HCJB FM clinic training sites 70-80% teacher retention
Family Medicine: Ecuador Accomplishments Academic university affiliation, support FM recognized as a specialty Self sustaining national FM program
Family Medicine: Pakistan Acknowledgement: Dr. Cindy Haq 1990 to Present Goals Educate about FM Develop residency Establish DFM Leadership Multispecialty Expatriates Nationals
Family Medicine: Pakistan Accomplishments Family medicine established Residency Department at Aga Khan National FP chair Well regarded Best teaching faculty A leading program National and expatriate involvement National leadership Visiting expatriate faculty All goals accomplished
Family Medicine: Kenya Acknowledgement: Dr. Bruce Dahlman 1995 to Present, Residency 2005 Goals Expertly manage most all conditions Knowledge, skills to provide personalised, up-to-date, accessible, quality, cost-effective care District, Sub-district, Private Address MOH goals Leadership Long term expatriate Mission hospital FPs National Moi University Dean Multispecialty
Family Medicine: Kenya Accomplishments FM Established – 2005 Residency at 3 hospitals Presence at 3 universities Moi – FM Division Aga Khan 2011 – FM Department Nairobi 2011 – FM Curriculum Committee MOH, Family Medicine Coordinating Committee
Family Medicine: Kenya Accomplishments Kenyan Association of Family Physicians Practice-based CME Institute of Family Medicine Mission NGO Promoting FM in East Africa Faculty development ALSO, ACLS, ETAT Emergency Triage Assessment &Treatment + Admission Care Transitioning to national leadership
Family Medicine: Kyrgyzstan Acknowledgement: Drs. Barton Smith and Paul Fonken 1996 to Present GOAL: Comprehensive health system reform Primary healthcare core Opportunity seized – Initial leadership MOH Science Technology Language Institute USAID UK Dept For Intl Development Nat’l Health Professionals Trainers (faculty) Family physicians Primary care doctors Primary care nurses
Family Medicine: Kyrgyzstan Accomplishments Family medicine Residency Regional FM centers FP association National and expatriate involvement National leadership, faculty Long term expatriate faculty Visiting faculty Continuing medical education – required Computer based Web based
Family Medicine: Kyrgyzstan Accomplishments Quality improvement EB national guidelines Improved outcomes Asthma, HTN and ulcer Regional impact Tajikistan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Many partners Kyrgyz Assoc of Family Group Practices and Family Nurses Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Retraining and CME International
Family Medicine: Albania Acknowledgement: Drs. Eralda Turkeshi and Guy Eshelman University residency 1997 to Present ABC Health Foundation 1995 Goals Introduce FM Train professionals Provide quality PC Leadership National Expatriate Focus Prepare Albanians to practice Encourage FM residency Develop national FPs/GPs
Family Medicine: Albania Accomplishments Final year medical student clinical training Only hands-on experience 2 year internship 8 graduates 4 FM residency 5 active teachers Interest in FM Annual CME Premier CME 2010 Semi-annual Development of FM teachers
Family Medicine: Albania Accomplishments Model of FM practice Partnerships US UK Germany First FP faculty in DFM Current Dean supportive of FM Need for UME FM curriculum Need for expanded FM residency Bridging community and university
Family Medicine: Macau Acknowledgement: Dr. Chris Place 1999 to Present FM in China 1980 Hope Medical Group 2000 Hope FM residency Goals High quality FM ed Train Chinese nationals Leadership Expatriate Long term National goal
Family Medicine: Macau Accomplishments Western model adapted for China Outpatient emphasis 8 Residency graduates 2 have become faculty FM degree program China University of Hong Kong Research projects Outreach to mainland China Mentoring emphasis CME conferences Faculty development
Family Medicine: Rwanda Acknowledgement: Dr. Calvin Wilson 2007 to Present Goal Establish Africa centric family medicine Leadership National primarily Expatriate
Family Medicine: Rwanda Accomplishments FAMCO residency 7 third years 9 first years 3 District hospitals Residents respected Rwanda centric High level support Political leaders Dean Rwanda Medical Council WONCA Africa and Europe 2009
Just The Beginning! Faculty development Shoulder to Shoulders Vietnam Afghanistan Uganda Iraq Kosovo Brazil Mainland China India Mongolia
What Does It Take? National connection – ownership Health system, MOH Medical school Physicians Context National pioneers Leaders Policy Education Faculty Clinicians Students
What Does It Take? Expatriate involvement Modeling Mentoring Collaborations Multilevel commitment National health policy MOH University Other specialties District, Community
What Does It Take? Reform Primary care health system Recruitment Retention Faculty pipeline Development Money Action Recognizing need Seizing opportunity Long term commitment
Where Do You Fit In? Caveats Give yourself Gain understanding and insight Connect to the local environment Find the true needs Remember: You may not have the best solution Make a long term commitment Collaborate Be a resource Mentor Advocate for your international colleagues Anticipate the challenges and barriers
Where Do You Fit In? Skills Clinical Technical Communication Listening Management Leadership Research Context Application Adaptation Vision
Where Do You Fit In? Ethics Learner vs cheap labor Service vs obligation Human value Advocate Model Family Medicine Consultant “Expert” Support the long termers
Where Do You Fit In? Collaborate Projects Research Resources Mentor Development Research Leadership Networking
Where Do You Fit In? Visiting faculty CME Residency Medical school Faculty development Long distance Consultant Reviewer Faculty development Mentoring Vision
Call to Action Do not just “drop in.” Find a way to actually change the world. Teach national physicians family medicine!
Family Medicine: Uganda 2004 to Present Prior Community Medicine 1990s Goals Review and refine FM curriculum Develop faculty Begin FM research FM training center Leadership National Expatriate Multinational
Family Medicine: Uganda Accomplishments Family medicine established Residency Research requirement Department at Makerere
Family Medicine: Uganda Acknowledgement: Dr. Cindy Haq Remaining challenges Insufficient quantity of faculty Few residents trained Funding Policy support Status of FM