Think about it: If you were forced to leave your home and pack your possessions in only one medium-sized duffle bag-- Basic food and clothing items will be there. Anything special or extra must be brought along. What things would you take along? Why would you take each item? REMEMBER, these must be things that would fit inside a duffle. RESTRICTIONS: No pets, nothing that would create a sound or give away your hiding place, no technology that would communicate with the outside world. Complete the chart on the next slide…
Make three columns on your paper. Sort what you would take by listing them in each category… PracticalSentimentalRecreational
Include the title of the work and/or the author’s names. Examples: In The Diary of Anne Frank, Goodrich and Hackett mention Anne’s friend, Jopie. Anne loves American movie stars, as shown in the play The Diary of Anne Frank. Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett include ration books in their play The Diary of Anne Frank. The Diary of Anne Frank shows the life of a teenage girl during the Holocaust. 3
* Think about what we have been reading together. Look at the following prompts and write about one or more of them. Try to fill up the rest of your page. Choose one from these ideas: ◦ The main characters have so many people who help them— at great risk. (helping start business, ration books, bringing food) When have you helped someone unselfishly? When did someone help you? How has that turned out? ◦ Anne talks about her friend Jopie. Who are your true friends? What is a true friend? What do you enjoy doing with your friends? What draws you to a person and makes you want to be their friend? Anne talks about missing being outdoors. Are you an outdoors person? What outdoor activities do you enjoy? What is the coolest “nature” spot you have experienced? Mr. Frank reminds Anne she won’t have to practice piano. Do you play a musical instrument or sing? What kind of music do you like to play or sing? Do you listen to the radio, a playlist on your phone or device, or CD’s? What kind of music do you choose for listening? Does music change your moods? 4
*Think about what we have been reading together. Look at the following prompts and write about one or more of them. Try to fill up the rest of your page. Choose from: 1. Anne, Margot, and Peter continue to study. Why is learning important? What do you enjoy learning? What do you enjoy about school? Do you have a favorite class? A favorite teacher? Have you ever gotten in trouble in school? 2. Anne says they are in the “bean cycle” of meals. What are your favorite foods? What do you know how to cook? What traditions in your family involve food? Do you have a meal you remember? What would be your ideal meal? 3. Anne dreams about Paris, about being famous as a dancer or singer, about doing something wonderful with her life. What do you dream about doing or being? What is your fantasy vacation or place to visit? What is a realistic goal you have in life? 5
Think about what we have been reading together. Look at the following prompts and write about one or more of them. Try to fill up the rest of your page. Choose from: * Anne is good at writing, Mr. Frank is well-organized, Mr. Dussel is an excellent dentist. What do you do well? How did you get to be so good at that? What part does that ability play in your life? How does that impact your confidence? How do you use your abilities? Anne’s life is changing dramatically. She misses a lot of things she used to take for granted. What do you take for granted in your life? What do you truly appreciate? Think about being grateful. Why is that a good quality to have? Can an “attitude of gratitude” change anything about your life? Anne feels closer to her father than her mother. Do you have someone in your family to whom you feel really close? A sibling, a parent, a cousin, a grandparent? Why do you think that is true? What draws you to that person? What is your relationship like? The Franks and VanDaans are always a little afraid or nervous about being caught. What do you fear? What makes you nervous? How do you deal with fear? Have you ever experienced a time when you were really afraid? 6
Start your entry with the day and the date. Think about what we have been reading together. Look at the following prompts and write about one or more of them. Try to fill up the rest of your page. Be sure to start with a clear topic sentence! Choose from: * Anne gives very thoughtful gifts at Hanukkah. What is the most thoughtful gift you have ever given? (gifts of self count!) Why did you choose to give a gift? What did you do to make it happen? What is the most thoughtful gift you have ever received? Why did this matter to you? Miep is a hero to the Frank family. Who are your heroes? Are you a hero? What defines a hero? Who would you nominate for “Hero of the Year”? The families must live by strict rules in order to prevent discovery. Which of these rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why? What do you like about rules? Do you have a rule you struggle to obey? If you were in charge of the world, what would be your top rules and why? Anne has some things in her life that matter a great deal to her. Her religion, her movie stars, her writing. What are some things you are passionate about in your life? Tell about one or more. 7
Continue the entry you started last period. Write a personal entry—what’s going on in your head today? What are you thinking and/or feeling? What are some successes and/or challenges in your life right now? What/who has given you strength lately? What made you happy, sad, excited, down? 8
Start with day/date. Think about what we have been reading together. Look at the following prompts and write about one or more of them. Try to fill up the rest of your page. Be sure to start with a clear topic sentence! Choose from: The characters never have enough food and that situation worsens in Act Two. Have you ever been hungry? Really hungry? Think about that and share your thoughts. Margot is sick in Act Two Scene 1. Think about health and wellness. Share your thoughts. Anne and Peter change their first impressions of each other. Think about how we judge other people. Share your thoughts. Anne admits she is not in love with Peter even though she enjoys spending time with him. What makes a good guy/girl relationship? Think about that and share your thoughts. 9
Continue the entry you started last period. Write a personal entry—what’s going on in your head today? What are you thinking and/or feeling? What interesting things are you learning in your classes? What did you spend most of your free time thinking about today? What are your thoughts about school lately? How was today different than yesterday? What is important to you right now? 10
ADD YOUR NAME THIS TIME! How did Anne benefit from keeping a journal? How has journaling turned out for you? What was positive about it? What did you write about the most? If you were to keep a regular journal from this point on, when would you most likely write in it? Why would you continue writing a journal? What was challenging about writing a journal? Look back over your entries—which one was your best personal entry? Why? 11
1) RESPOND TO ONE OF THE PROMPTS. 2) AT THE END OF CLASS, LEAVE YOUR SPIRAL OPEN TO FEBRUARY 20 TH ENTRY AND PUT ON THE BACK TABLE.!!!! Readers come to care about and respect Anne and who she became through this experience. Who are you becoming? What are you doing now to make that happen? What are some of your goals? What good things are you doing now that will lead to a great future? Readers often lose respect for Mr. Van Daan because of his selfishness. Think of what character traits cause others to respect us. Share your thoughts. Each of the characters becomes someone we might or might not respect. How do you feel about the characters? Which do you admire and why? Mr. Van Daan and Mrs. Frank both apologize and ask forgiveness. Why does it take strength to forgive? Why does it take strength to apologize? Think about those principles and share your thoughts. 12