Bell Work: * Define “BRONX” * Define “MASQUERADE” * List characteristics of “BRONX” * List characteristics of “MASQUERADE”
Please move quietly into your groups! * Discuss your responses to the Bell Work handout. * As a group, collaborate on your group’s response to the Bell Work questions. * Document your group’s responses on the side of the poster board labeled “PRE” Please remember to be respectful of one another! It’s okay to agree to disagree! Keep the volume at a dull roar!
Please pass around Handout #2! * Sit silently in your seat once you have received your copy of Handout #2. * As you view the images on the next few slides, write your responses to the questions on Handout #2. * The only sound should be the soft music I will play in the background. There should be NO talking. This is your time to silently reflect. Be respectful of your peers and my expectations of you!
(brŏngks) A borough of New York City in southeast New York on the mainland north of Manhattan. First settled by Jonas Bronck (died c. 1643), a Dane in the service of the Dutch West India Company Became part of New York City in American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Noun 1.a party, dance, or other festive gathering of persons wearing masksand other disguises, and often elegant, historical, or fantastic costumes. 2.a costume or disguise worn at such a gathering. 3.false outward show; façade; pretense 4.activity, existence, etc., under false pretenses Verb (masqueraded, masquerading, to masquerade) 5.to go about under false pretenses or a false character; assume thecharacter of; give oneself out to be 6.to disguise oneself. 7.to take part in a masquerade.
Please quietly return to your group! * Discuss your responses to the second handout. * As a group, collaborate on your group’s response to the Handout #2 questions. * Document your group’s responses on the side of the poster board labeled “POST” Please remember to be respectful of one another! It’s okay to agree to disagree! Keep the volume at a dull roar!
In Preparation for Tomorrow’s Class: View this image… For Homework: * In your reading journal ◦---write what you think of this book cover now that we have discussed the words “Bronx” and “masquerade” ◦---share your thoughts about beginning to read this book (It’s okay to be less than excited! You will NOT be judged on your opinions!)
Before you leave: * Be sure to turn in your Bell Work and Handout #2 papers in your class folder! * Be sure you have your Reading Journal and understand what your homework assignment is! (Did you write the assignment down?!) Enjoy the rest of your day!