Reading Workshop (10 pts.)Book Choice: After you select your book and read at least the first 10 pages, answer the following questions in your journal. Answers need to be complete sentences. 1. What is the title of the book? Who is the author? 2. How many pages are in the book? 3. What genre is the book? 4. What do you think the book will be about? 5. What words or phrases were difficult to read or understand so far? (Include the phrase and page number.) 6. Who is the main character? Tell something about him or her. 7. What point of view is the story written? (1 st or 3 rd ) 1 st - Character telling the story) 8. What is your opinion of the book so far?
Answers to 8 Questions : 9/8/13 (Example) 1. “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” By Lois Duncan 2. There are 198 pages. 3. The genre is Suspense/Thriller 4. I think Julie did something accidentally that was fatal or illegal. She is now trying to hide what happened. 5. “She gave mother an impulsive hug.” (page 7) I’m not sure what impulsive means. 6. The main character is Julie. She just graduated from high school and got accepted into a college. She’s an only child and her father is deceased. She lives with just her mom. 7. The point of view is 3 rd person, because “her” and “she” are in the first sentence. 8. I think I’ll like this book because it’s very suspenseful. After reading the first chapter, I want to go on to find out what she did.
Journal Entry A journal entry needs to be completed each week. Each journal entry needs to include: Date and Page Numbers read for the entry (should be at least 20 pages) Text Column: Summary: 3 to 5 sentences Response: minimum of 3 meaningful sentences Your response needs to include 3 journal starters. Your prompt starters will be given to you to keep in your Readers workshop section of your notebook. Using these prompt starters will help you use good reading strategies. Sticky notes may be used as you read and then you may use them to write your entry.
Journal Entry Sept. 8, 2013 Pages: Summary: Julie, a senior in high school got an acceptance letter to Smith College. She was looking forward to going away to college to get away from the town and people. Her mother was very proud of her. Julie got another letter which said, ‘I know what you did last summer.” Julie’s knees got weak and she felt sick when she read it. Her boyfriend, Ray, moved out west the summer before. When Julie would think of him, she would feel cold in her stomach and then in her heart. Response: Julie has red hair and loves to wear pink. She reminds me of my sister because she has red hair. She never wears pink though, because it’s suppose to be a fashion no-no. When her mother mentioned that her performance in school improved when she broke up with Ray, Julie’s insides felt cold. I think whatever happened has something to do with Ray. The story says that Ray moved out west. I wonder if something bad happened to him and that’s why he disappeared. It seems like her mother really wants what is best for her. Even though her mother will be alone, she encourages Julie to go away to college.
Diary Entry: Choice A Sept. 9, 2013 Dear Diary, I am so proud of my daughter. She has tried so hard to do well her senior year. I am worried that she missed part of her senior year. She has been so serious ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, Ray. She got upset when I mentioned Ray. I wonder what happened between them. I will miss her so much when she goes away. She has kept me company since my husband died 8 years ago. Well, now that Julie will be going away perhaps I will start teaching again as a Home Economics Teacher. With Julie gone, I will need to be busy so I don’t get lonely. Talk to you later, Mrs. James