Complications of the acute appendicitis The department of faculty and hospital surgery of the medical faculty of the Tashkent medical academy
HISTORY Patient with appendicular abssessus was operated by Fredrik Matouid in 1884 year first time in UK and patient with limited peritonitis was operated by Rudolf Krenleyn in Germany.
HISTORY In Russia K.P. Dombrovskiy in 1988 year at first operated patient with appendicular abssessus.
Complications of the acute appendicitis (before the operation) Appendicular infiltrate Appendicular abscess Peritonitis Pilephlebitis Flegmona of the extraperitoneal space
Complications of the acute appendicitis (early postoperative) Continuously peritonitis Early soldering intestinal obstruction Abscesses of the abdominal cavity Bleeding from the mesenterial artery Insolvency of the stitches
Complications of the acute appendicitis (lately postoperative) Soldering intestinal obstruction Postoperative ventral hernias
Appendicular infiltrate - Inflammatory conglomerate, contents of the inflammated appendix in the centre, around which there are the loops of the small and thick intestines, omentum, attached to the parietal peritoneum. Acute appendicitis Appendicular infiltrate 3-5 days
The diagnosis of the appendicular infiltrate stating on the base of: Complaints: pain in the right iliac area Anamnesis: beginning of the disease as at the acute appendicitis, the time after the beginning is about 3-5 days Examination: subfebril temperature of the body, tachycardia, in the right iliac area the thick and painful formation, attached to the iliac bone is palapated. Marking of the borders of the appendicular infiltrate
TREATMENT OF THE APPENDICULAR INFILTRATE CONSERVATIVE 1.Bed mode 2.Table №4 3.wide spectre antibiotics 4.Vitamins 5.Detoxication therapy If the treatment of the appendicular infiltrate, without results Surgical treatment
Differences between the appendicular infiltrate and abscess Appendicular infiltrateAppendicular abscess Subfebrile temperatureHectic temperature Without the rising of the leucocytes Leukocytosis with the increasing Reduction of the sizes of the infiltrate Increasing of the sizes of the infiltrate with the soft centre The fluctuation symptom is negative The fluctuation symptom is positive US: there is no the liquid in the centre of the formation US: there is the liquid in the centre of the formation
Diffuse peritonitis – serious complication of the acute appendicitis
Local peritonitis – install one drainage into the pelvis or right iliac area Diffuse peritonitis – install two drainages Massive peritonitis – drainage by the method of our clinic
я Method of our clinic
Pilephlebitis – festering thrombophlebitis of the branches of the portal vein
Treatment of the pilephlebitis hepatoprotectors detoxication Antibacterial therapy Rheological drugs
Treatment of the abscess of the liver
The most frequent localization of the abscesses in the abdominal cavity
Instrumental examination of the abscesses
Abscess of Douglas’s space
Abscess of the pelvis (research with the finger)
Open of the abscess of pelvis TransvaginalTransrectal
Openning of the abscess of pelvis by Jackson-Elem
Intraintestinal abscess
Abscess of the subdiaphragmal space
Openning of the abscess of the subdiaphragmal space
Openning of the abscess of the subdiaphragmal space by Melnikov
Acute soldering intestinal obstruction – capsof Kloyber
US criterion of the acute intestinal obstruction
Three balloons test AIO - AIO ,2,3
Treatment algorithm All the patients with the AIO must stay at the surgical department AIO + peritonitis Operation YesNo Conservative actions (during 2 hours) Effective Not effective Operative treatment Examination and planned treatment
Main directions of the conservative therapy Decompression of the stomach and intestine Action onto the vegetative nervous system
Decompression of the gastrointestinal patch Liberation of the distal part of the GIP Liberation of the proximal part of the GIP Siphon enema Cleaning enema Washing of the stomach Intubation of the intestine
Technique of the siphon enema
Dissection of the soldering. Laparoscopic dissection of the soldering
Not formed intestinal fistula Tube intestinal fistula Lip intestinal fistula
Plastic of the anterior abdominal wall by Voznesenskiy