Local Strategic Partnership 21 st October 2013 Regeneration Update
08/06/20162 When the world turned over….
08/06/20163 Regional Level Developments The LEP is currently drawing up its strategy and implementation plans –Strategic Economic Plan supported by a Strategic Investment Plan –European Prospectus Aiming to negotiate £1billion+ “Growth Deal” from Government and total investment programme of £5billion Role of LEP would vary –Bidding for and directing Growth Fund –Competing for investment in major transport infrastructure –Guiding the use of European funds but not controlling them
08/06/20164 Regional Level Developments Consultation on European draft investment framework held on 16 th October Overall Growth Plan aimed at Growth Fund bid for £1m to be discussed at SE LEP Board on 22 nd October Proposed devolved structure
08/06/20165 SE LEP Coastal Group –Private Sector Housing (Hastings) –Worklessness (Thanet + Hastings) –Place Shaping (Rother) –Off Shore Energy (Tendring)
08/06/20166 Private Sector Housing St Leonards and elsewhere low investment/links to benefit economy Working with SE LEP coastal partners –An area specific scheme to change housing market in St. Leonards/Margate etc –Bringing forward proposal for investment in building new housing for rent –A stronger more ethical sector Seeing inclusion in SE LEP’s business plans Ultimate proposal likely to be £80m +
08/06/20167 Worklessness Official definition: people claiming out-of-work benefits JSA, IB.ESA, lone parents on income support, carers Excludes many not on benefit but able and wanting to work Worklessness rate in Hastings <50% higher than GB All benefitsOut-of-work benefits JSAESA/IBLone parent / IS Hastings 21%17.7%5.5%9.7%1.8% E Sussex 13.3%10.6%3%6.1%1.1% GB 14.3%11.7%3.8%6.2%1.3% Repeated around SE LEP coastal towns
08/06/20168 Employer-facing project to get pledges to support a young person into work Partnership: HBC, SCCH, Chamber, FSB, Business in the Community, Hastings Direct, Rother DC, Hastings Works, Observer, Education Futures Trust, JCP Picks up agenda set at Sept 2012 Ready Willing and Able conference: Better school/employer links More work experience opportunities Target 1,066 pledges projected to be met mid-Nov
08/06/20169 SELEP Coastal Communities Group proposals Coordinated approach Strategic & business support to create entry-level jobs Engage employers, link development to local training & recruitment Apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeship traineeships, with wider criteria, plus employer support Training & support: life and vocational skills linked to employer demand, mentoring, IAG Coordinate work experience and employer-school links Manage inward migration of workless people Benefits: Improve skills supply at all levels, reduce welfare/social costs, improve image and optimism
08/06/ Welfare Benefit Reform JSA Claimants per vacancy Hastings : 12.1 National Average : 3.7 South East Average : 2.6 East Sussex : 4.6 Eastbourne : 3.1
08/06/ ‘Bedroom Tax’ impact 865 households affected 708 with one spare room 157 with two or more spare rooms Average HB reduction:14% £12.50 per week, 25% £23.00 per week Approx 40 tenancies terminated voluntarily Estimated 300 households in increasing arrears Ongoing discussion with social landlords to understand their approach to court action
08/06/ General Observations Increased homelessness applications Increased homelessness 16 and 17s Increased rough sleeping Increased rent arrears across all tenures Increased inward migration to Hastings Increased poverty (including child poverty) Increased demand for housing services, debt advice, housing related support services, health services, social care Increased court repossessions Changes to funding locally, main funding steams replaced by ad-hoc opportunities for funding (LA and voluntary sector)
08/06/ Anti/Poverty/Welfare Reform Anti-poverty/welfare reform group set up Developing strategy to complement action by East Sussex Welfare Reform Group National level work on inward migration London Conference – 14 th November –SE LEP Councils –GLA –Government officials [DCLG/BIS] –Academia Short term compact Longer term relationship and action research Stronger economy/reformed rented housing sector
08/06/ Assisted Area Status [AAS] AAS allows a higher level of intervention to support business Competitive –1 per LEP area –Existing Thanet/Dover Area –Area of Interest Status Government to publish new map in the winter Submission made to LEP and Government AAS/Area of Interest linked to future funding support New map from July 2014
08/06/ Vacuum Cluster Hastings and surrounding area is a centre for vacuum technology This is essential to the production of components for range of objects from mobile phones to aircraft Specialist field Conference and exhibition on 16 th September with 200 visitors and 30 exhibitors Speakers included Maggie Philbin, Maggie Aderin- Pocock and Moritz Riede
08/06/ Culture Lessons from City of Culture Long term approach Assessing opportunity and cost Refresh Cultural Regeneration Strategy Visit by Arts Council England Celebrating 2016
08/06/ Culture Stade Saturdays – 65% audience spent money in Old Town businesses 20,000 people visited Coastal Currents Seafront Art installation FLAG Projects –Fishermans Arch –Seafood Kitchen –Stade Enhancements Schools leading work with Arts organisations, Councils to develop the status of Arts in education and produce a national example of good practice