Divided Kingdom, part 2 Judah Alone Lesson 19 The Prophet Habakkuk Jehoiakim (Eliakim) Hab Kings 23:36 – 24:6 2 Chron 36:5-8 Jer 26
Some important reminders re: prophets: Yes…they were inspired Yes…they spoke as the Lord gave them utterance (religion, world affairs, etc.) No…they weren’t omniscient 1 Pet 1:11 No…they didn’t have all the answers Hab 1:2-4, 5-11, Therefore, like all other children of God, they needed encouragement Hab 2:4 The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
The Man Nothing known about his personal life (family, occupation, hometown, etc.) Name = “Embrace” (embraced the cause of justice in his own country?) The very last prophet God sent in the Bible period we call The Divided Kingdom The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
The Message Most likely between 612 – 605 B.C. Babylon defeats Ninevah in 612 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar’s victory at Carchemish in 605 B.C.…1st captives taken Hab 3:16 If so, he would have prophesied during Jehoiakim’s early reign (609 – 598 B.C.) Jehoiakim’s evil reign (2 Kings 23:37) certainly corresponds to Habakkuk’s complaint before Jehovah Hab 1:2-4 The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
The Message Different than other prophets we study Rather than speaking to the people on behalf of Jehovah, Habakkuk speaks to God on behalf of the people (good & bad) Dual lessons to learn Immediateforetelling of God’s use of Babylon to punish Judah Long range“The just shall live by faith” Rom 1:17 Gal 3:11 Heb 10:38 The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
General Outline Of The Book God’s judgment on Judah’s wickedness; Babylon is His chosen tool 1:2 – 2:3 God’s judgment on Babylon, the ungodly world power 2:4-20 A prayer for compassion in the midst of Divine judgment 3:1-19 The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
1st Perplexity & God’s Reply 1:2-11 The prophet laments lack of justice in the face of wickedness and violence vv. 2-4 “God, how can You be indifferent to all that’s going on in Judah?” Jehovah’s reply vv “I’m not indifferent…I’m raising up the mighty & fierce Chaldeans to execute judgment on My people” The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
2nd Perplexity & God’s Reply 1:12 – 2:3 The prophet questions God’s choice of Babylon 1:12-17 “God, how can You use a nation more wicked than Judah?” Jehovah’s reply 2:1-3 “The judgment is sure, but not immediate” The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
God’s Judgment On Babylon 2:4-20 The righteous live by faith v. 4 The wicked will not continue v. 5 5 woes upon the Babylonians vv Re: lust of conquest & plunder vv. 6-8 Re: empire building thru cruelty vv Re: city building with blood vv Re: cruelty of captured peoples vv Re: idolatry vv The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3) “So, Habakkuk has his answer. God is aware of Judah’s wickedness and plans to chastise the nation. He plans to use the violence, aggression, and greed of the Babylonians to do so, but He will not ignore the wickedness of the Babylonians. He will judge them as He will judge all wickedness.” -- Bob & Sandra Waldron Till There Was No Remedy, pg. 156
A Prayer For Divine Compassion 3:1-19 Revive Thy work v. 2a In Thy wrath, remember mercy v. 2b The mighty works of Jehovah in the past: judgment & salvation vv Implicit confidence in Jehovah, the God of salvation vv The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1-3)
In the beginning of Jehoiakim’s reign, Jeremiah was sent with 1 more message from God: “Repent & I will relent…if not, I will destroy this house & this city.” The message was not received well… Jeremiah was threatened with death Jeremiah repeated his words, and then placed himself in their hands Jehoiakim & Jeremiah (Jer 26)
Some elders defended Jeremiah, citing a prophet (Micah) in Hezekiah’s days Micah preached a similar message, but was not executed Mic 3:12 Thus, Jeremiah should not be killed Another prophet (Uriah) spoke similarly like Jeremiah, and Jehoiakim killed him But Jeremiah was spared Jehoiakim & Jeremiah (Jer 26)
1)Human wisdom is inferior to Divine wisdom Isa 55:8-9 1 Cor 1: )God is enthroned, & should be exalted even in bad times Hab 2:20 3: )The ONLY way to endure is to be righteous, and live by faith…trust God 4)God completely controls all the nations The Prophet Habakkuk