Paschal Mystery Unit Two – Moral and Physical Evil Lesson 1- Existence of God
Is there a God? We are constantly challenged by atheists, skeptics and hecklers to prove there is a God. It is difficult for natural man to believe in something that he cannot see, touch or feel ~ I Cor. 2:14 The problem for the Christian is solved with the first verse of the Bible In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. ~ Gen. 1:1
Biblically speaking… The Bible is not a textbook that attempts to prove the existence of God - the Bible opens with a positive fact that God does exist. It did not occur to any other writer of the Bible to prove this fact. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. ~ Psa. 14:1 The greatest proof apart from Scripture of the existence of God is our daily fellowship with Him in PRAYER. “I know that there is a God because I talked to Him today and He heard and answered the prayer of my heart though it was only whispered silently.”
Prove It! We have gathered the evidence of your personal experiences. We will now look at the question from a theological perspective. What will it take to convince you? The Case for Christ The Case for Christ
St. Thomas Aquinas – Intellectual Proofs for God’s Existence 1. The Unmoved Mover 2. First Cause 3. Everything Comes from Something 4. Supreme Model 5. Grand Designer Handout – Intellectual Proofs – Open and read!
How did we humans get here? First - Scientists have yet to explain how life could have evolved from matter. Second – Statisticians say it is virtually impossible for intelligent, human life to appear by mere chance Third – When we look at the course of human development, we can detect a hidden but powerfully present Intelligence that is leading and guiding us. The mystery of human life and history has to be rooted in the Mystery at the heart of the universe.
Heartfelt Proofs for God’s Existence 1. An unquenchable thirst for joy and happiness 2. An experience of beauty and truth 3. A sense of personal conscience, moral goodness, and justice 1. Love It is a good bet to believe in God. If you win, you win everything. ~Blaise Pascal, French philosopher With Faith comes a big payoff – eternal life. With Atheism, you have everything to lose.
TAG – Think About God Using your colored piece of mural paper, think about what you have been taught about God. How do you know He exists? What are some of the signs? Do you have real-life experiences that back this up? How did we get here on Earth? At the beginning...
What do you know? Find classmates with the same numbered puzzle piece Find a spot in the room where you are comfortable Share what you wrote on your personal piece of poster board Together list your strongest reasons to help prove God’s existence! Ready...Set...Go!
HOMEWORK Interview a trusted adult (over age 18 and one with whom you have a close, personal relationship) asking them the same questions that you answered at the beginning of class today! How do you know He exists? What are some of the signs? Do you have real-life experiences that back this up? How did we get here on Earth? Do their answers strengthen or weaken your stance on the existence of God? Was their answer expected or unexpected? Why or why not? Post to the OneNote for 20 homework points.