Derivation of various ovarian neoplasms and some data on their frequency and age distribution
Benign serous cystadenoma Benign epithelial tumors of the ovary can reach massive proportions. The serous cystadenoma seen here fills a surgical pan and dwarfs the 4 cm ruler. This is a unilocular, thin-walled cyst containing clear fluid. Their outer surface is smooth and glistening.
Benign serous cystadenoma Inner aspect of serous cystadenoma showing papillary structures protruding within
Benign serous cystadenoma Papillary areas in serous cystadenoma Single layer of bland-looking epithelial cells lining one of the cystic structures of a serous cystadenoma. Papillary areas in serous cystadenoma
Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. Note the papillary projections in the lumen of the cyst, and also on its surface. In a benign papillary cystadenoma the papillae are present only on the inner surface of the cyst. (see fig. 10-25)
Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. This 17-centimeter serous cystadenocarcinoma was discovered during exploratory laparotomy of a woman who presented with intestinal obstruction, which was caused by extrinisic compression of the bowel by one of the many intra-abdominal metastases of this tumor. Grossly, the tumor's cut surface demonstrates both cystic and papillary architectural patterns.
Serous cystic tumors: borderline Vs malignant A, Borderline serous cystadenoma opened to display a cyst cavity lined by delicate papillary tumor growths. B, Cystadenocarcinoma. The cyst is opened to reveal a large, bulky tumor mass.
Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary Ovarian papillary serous cystadenocarcinomas may contain small concretions called psammomma bodies, seen here as purplish rounded and laminated objects. They are essentially just a form of dystrophic calcification in neoplasms.
Mucinous cystadenoma A, displaying multicystic appearance and delicate septa. Note the presence of glistening mucin within the cysts. B, Columnar cell lining.
Outer and inner aspect of mucinous cystadenoma.
Mucinous tumor borderline ov Gross appearance of a mucinous ovarian neoplasm that had borderline features at the microscopic level.
Mucinous cystadenoma Lining of mucinous cystadenoma. Goblet cells are evident. This subtype, which is by far the most common, is referred to as intestinal.
Mucinous cystadenoma In this instance, the lining of mucinous cystadenoma resembles endocervical epithelium.
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma The neoplasm is predominantly solid, but some mucin-containing cystic spaces can still be appreciated.
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma Complex architecture and obvious nuclear atypia in mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.
Mature cystic teratoma (dermoid cyst) of the ovary On opening a ball of hair (bottom) and a mixture of tissues are evident
Mature cystic teratoma Tuft of hair admixed with sebum Well-developed teeth in ovarian mature cystic teratoma.
Skin & adenxae Various tissue components of mature cystic teratoma of ovary: A, skin adnexa, glial tissue (pale areas), and choroid plexus. Glial tissues Choroid plexus Various tissue components of mature cystic teratoma of ovary: gastric mucosa of pyloric type.
Mature cystic teratoma: struma ovarii So-called "struma ovarii." The thyroid tissue, which has a microscopically unremarkable appearance, is sharply delimited from the ovarian stroma. A mixture of thyroid follicles, fat, cartilage and glandular formations
Immature (malignant) teratoma ovary Immature teratoma may be solid throughout, solid with multiple minute cysts, or predominantly cystic. It is a tumor of children and adolescents.
Immature (malignant) teratoma ovary Ovarian immature teratoma with predominance of primitive neuroepithelial elements
Granulosa cell tumor ovary GCT with solid & lobulated, yellow-gray cut surface. GCT showing admixture of solid and cystic areas.
Granulosa cell tumor ovary This is a granulosa cell tumor of ovary with a variegated cut surface. These tumors are derived from the ovarian stroma and often have a component of thecoma. They are often hormonally active and can produce large amounts of estrogen such that the patient may initially present with bleeding from endometrial hyperplasia.
Granulosa cell tumor ovary The cells are disposed in cords, trabeculae & microfllicles. Call-Exner bodies are seen on the Rt (arrow). Note the coffee-bean nuclei
Krukenberg tumors ovary Typical gross appearance of Krukenberg tumors of ovary. The involvement is bilateral and the tumors are characterized by a multinodular outer appearance.
Krukenberg tumors ovary The multinodular quality of the ovarian metastasis is typical of Krukenberg tumor. A case of metastatic lobular ca breast
Krukenberg tumors ovary Krukenberg tumor of ovary; microscopic appearance. Numerous signet ring cells are present in a highly fibrous stroma, either individually or in small nests.