Physical and mental challenges
Physical challenges objective: Define disability. List the four common causes of blindness. Define profound deafness. List the the five factors causes hearing impairment. Identify the treatments and devices for people with motor impairment.
MAIN idea: most physical challenges affect sight, hearing, and motor ability. Disability any physical or mental impairment that limits normal activities, including seeing, hearing, walking, or speaking. The range of physical challenges is quite board. Disability
Worldwide, more then 40 million people are blind. Sight impairment is most common among older adults, but it can affect people of all ages. The common causes of blindness include : Complications from diabetes: In which high blood sugar levels lead to damage of the retina( شبكية العين ). complications from diabetes are the leading cause of blindness. Sight impairment Macular degeneration: a disease in which the retina degenerates. This is the main cause of blindness.
Glaucoma: a disease that damages the eye’s optic nerve. Cataracts: a condition in which the eye’s lens become clouded. Blindness can also result from injury, but diseases are much common cause. Regular eye exam can lead to early diagnosis of many condition and help prevent blindness or slow its progress.
Hearing problems range from mild to severe. The most acute form is profound deafness, hearing loss so severe that a person affected connect benefits from mechanical amplification, such as hearing aid. They rely mostly on lip-reading, and/or sign language. Hearing impairment
Factors causes hearing impairment. Heredity: If one or both parents have hearing impairment, their child is more likely to devolve it as well. Injury: An injury to the ears or head, such as skull fracture, can cause hearing loss. Disease: Ear infections, brain tumors, measles, and other conditions can lead to hearing loss. Obstruction: hearing loss caused by buildup of wax or a bone blockage in the ear. Nerve damage: Often occurs with age, it can also be a result of repeated exposure to loud noises, such as stereos, traffic, video games, and concerts.
How to avoid hearing loss Wear earplugs if your exposed to loud noises. Turn down the volume if your wearing earphones while listing to music. Hearing impairment can be gradual process. If you ever noticed any change in your hearing it may be time to visit a audiologist, a specialist in hearing problems.
Motor impairment Tasks that are simple for most people_tying a shoe climbing the stairs, opening a jar, lifting a glass ; can be a challenge for people with motor impairment. Which result by a brain injury Motor impairments result when the body's range of motion and coordination are affected by a brain injury or a nervous system disorder. people with motor impairment cope with physical challenges
Treatments and devices for people with motor impairment. Physical therapy: helps people keep their joints flexible and their muscles stretched, improving their ability to move around. Occupational therapy: helps people learn how to perform everyday functions so that they can lead independent lives. Assistive devices: include motorized wheelchairs and special computers, as well as artificial limbs for people with limb amputations. These devices help people perform everyday tasks. people who cannot use their hands and arms can also use mouth sticks or head sticks to operate a wheelchair or send instructions to a computer.
Mental challenges objective: Define mental retardation. List the factors that causes mental retardation. Identify the lows and policies that addresses discrimination. Define American with disability Act (ADA). Identify rights given to people with disabilities by the ADA.
MAIN idea: mental disabilities have been linked to several different causes. Mental challenges One challenge that affects a person's ability to live independently is. Mental retardation: This is a below-average intellectual ability present from birth or early childhood and associated with difficulties in learning and social adaptation. Several
Genetic disorders: such as Down syndrome, phenylketon-uria (PKU), Tay-Sachs, and Fragile X syndrome result in babies born with mental retardation. Behaviors during pregnancy: can have a serious impact. Pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs greatly increase the risk that their babies will be born with mental retardation, low birth weight, or fetal alcohol syndrome. factors that causes mental retardation.
Rubella infection: during pregnancy puts the baby at risk. Immunization against rubella either during childhood or in the first three months of pregnancy reduces this risk. Restricted oxygen: supply can cause mental retardation during birth. Head injury, stroke, and certain infections such as meningitis can also limit oxygen supply, causing mental retardation in older individuals.
MAIN idea: It us important to provide equal treatment and opportunities for people with physical and mental challenges. Accommodating differences In recent decades, the federal government has begun to address the difficulties of living in a society that may not meet the needs of people with disabilities. Advocacy efforts have resulted in laws and policies that address discrimination.
lows and policies that addresses discrimination. Public transportation vehicles and building entrances must be wheelchair accessible, so that people with motor impairments can readily participate in business and social activities. people should be evaluated on the basis of individual merit, not on assumptions about disabilities. people with disabilities, to the extent they are able, should have the Same opportunities as everyone else.
American with disability Act (ADA). In 1990, the U.S. government passed the American with disability Act (ADA), a law prohibiting discrimination against people with physical or mental disabilities in the workplace, transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications.
rights given to people with disabilities by the ADA Employers: with 15 or more employees must give qualified individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from employment related opportunities. State and local governments: must provide accessible entrances in buildings and communicate effectively with people who have hearing, vision, or speech disabilities. Telephone companies: must set up telecommunication relay services (TRS) that allow callers with hearing and speech challenges to communicate through an assistant.