Eurocare General Assembly Institute of Alcohol Studies, Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street, London, SW1H 0QS, UK June 2015
2. 1/15 Verification of regularity of meeting Information sent minimum 15 days prior to meeting 9 June (latest 25 May 2015) - Information with documents sent 8 May 2015 Quorum – one forth of members present or represented The meetings to be chaired by a full member of Eurocare – suggestion: Suzanne Costello, Alcohol Action Ireland
3. 2/15 Agenda – General Assembly 2015 Verification of regularity of meeting and appointment of a chair Approval of agenda Approval of Minutes of the GA 2014 Confirmation new Eurocare members Annual report 2014 Results of Eurocare Evaluation exercise 2014 Approval accounts 2014 Funding of Eurocare Approval of budget 2015 Work plan 2015/2016
4. Eurocare Annual Meeting 2015 Discussion EU Alcohol Policy Minimum Unit Price update Drink Driving Policies Update from Members – Eurocare 2025
5. 4/15 Confirmation new Eurocare members Centrum Alma, Czech European Mutual Help Network for alcohol related problems (EMNA) MONAR, Poland Frelsesarmeens Rusomsorg (Salvation Army), Norway IOGT Norway
6. 5/15 Eurocare Annual Report Eurocare Members (3 new members) 25 European countries (1 new country) Board meetings15.1 (4 present), 10.4 (10 present), 4.6 (10 present), 7.10 (9 present) (6 present) 10 Newsletters (12 in 2013, 11 in 2012, 6 in 2011, 6 in 2010/09, 4 in 2008/07/06) 4 Public Events (Scotland the Brave, What’s not on the bottle, RARHA and 6 EAPC) 1 Policy Debate (Social media and internet) 08/06/2016
7. Input and discussion papers EUROCARE Presentation at the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership Stakeholder Presentations Event, DG TRADE, European Commission 8.4 EUROCARE Comments to the Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (Inception Report) on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership DG TRADE, European Commission 6.6 EUROCARE submission to the consultation from the Working Group on Regulating Sponsorship by Alcohol Companies of Major Sporting Events, Department of the Taoiseach 4.7 EUROCARE Consultation response to “Public consultation on modalities for investment protection and ISDS in TTIP”
EUROCARE Presentation At the TTIP Stakeholder Event DG TRADE, EC - Session Two: Issues related to agriculture including agricultural market access, other regulatory issues and geographical indications - Alcohol policies and unintended consequences of TTIP 11.8 The European Commission’s strategy on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) : achievements, shortcomings and future challenges 18.9 Eurocare’s Response to House of Lords Inquiry into the EU Alcohol Strategy House or Lords – Select Committee on the European Union - Sub-Committee F (Home Affairs, Health and Education) INQUIRY INTO THE EU’S ALCOHOL STRATEGY - Evidence Session
9. Reports and papers January - Eurocare Response to Structure for EU Alcohol Action Plan 2. March – Eurocare suggestions for changes to the EU Alcohol and Health Forum 3. March – NGO comments on the future of the Science group 4. September - What’s not on the bottle? Eurocare Reflections On Alcohol Labelling 5. November - Alcohol marketing and social media - Eurocare reflections November – Why should we care about alcohol? 7. November - EUROCARE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A FUTURE EU ALCOHOL STRATEGY 8.December – Alcohol purchase age limits in Europe
10. 6/15 Results of Eurocare Evaluation exercise Aim: analyse Eurocare‘s Activities and Stakeholders perception respondents (43 members and 90 non-members of 1849) 3.Communication plan can be improved – follow its own recommendations. 4.Eurocare should add numerical values to the evaluation measures – targets are already in place 5.Recommendation to use opinion leaders to make news more attractive 6.Website – should check on links and news 7.Number of followers tripled since Eurocare has implemented most comments and has been constantly successful in policy areas
7/15 ACCOUNTS 2014 Income Operational b Grants Op in Other Financial results 349 TOTAL Expenditure Exp exp Meetings Rentals Mainten Adm External Equip Salary Dep2.946 Financial costs Result of the year TOTAL
12. Certified accountant 1.Dirk van Overtveld Accountants – en fiscal Kantoor van Overtveld David Tenierstraat Zemst
13. 8/15 Eurocare Budget Principle 1.No funding from Economic operators or Alcohol industry. 2.INCOME: Actis funds 2 positions : Secretary general Eurocare and Secretary General Eurad – which for practical reasons is on Eurocare budget. IOGT-NTO funds some rental costs of the office. Membership fees funds the activities + projects. Projects funds project activity + 40% from membership fees.
14. Health programme – workplan 2015 Gathering knowledge and exchange of best practice on measures reducing availability of alcoholic beverages – AIM: 1.Testing methods/tools 2.Identifying good practice on reducing heavy episodic drinking in different settings and different MS 3.Measure impact of good practice 4.Priority on identifying good practice among lower socio economic groups and EU Networking
15. 9/15 BUDGET 2015 (GA 2014) Income Membership(33.500) EU opr grant(99.000) Actis ( ) IOGT-NTO (30.000) Projects(15.000) 0 EASL (0) TOTAL( ) Income to date TOTAL
16. BUDGET 2015 – GA 2014 Expenses Salary ( ) Rent (35.000) Adm (31.500) Consul (28.000) Meeting (37.000) Travel S5.000 Travel B Div (8.000) Total TO DATE - Expenses Salary Rent Adm Consul Meeting 350 Travel S Travel B 800 Div 0 Total
BUDGET 2016 Income Membership Actis IOGT-NTO EASL RARHA Project TOTAL Expenses Salary Meeting Travel Rent Adm Consul Div Total
18. 10/15 Work plan 2016 Monitor EU, OECD and WHO Developments, Participate in Stakeholder meetings like; DG AGRI, DG TRADE, DG CONNECT, DG SANTE Monitor European Parliament Send Weekly Updates to Members Bi-monthly newsletter Weekly updates Website/Facebook/twitter Organise 1-2 events (labelling and sponsorship (Refit AVMSD)