Aviation Camps of the Carolinas Inc. SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE JOIN US April 1 st & 2 nd, 2016 SuccessfulAttitude.com The number one Event of the Year. First time ever in the Carolinas, Aviation Camps of the Carolinas is hosting the Traveling Space Museum here in the Charlotte region. The most startling kid friendly, NASA everything, interactive Space Camp, will electrify all school districts and promote STEM, right under their noses.
Aviation Camps of the Carolinas Inc. SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE EVENT OVERVIEW Brenda E Robinson, the President of Aviation Camps of the Carolinas Inc. as well as owner of Successful Attitude, has been a celebrity here in the Charlotte area for over 20 years. She is most well know as the first African American women to become a Naval Aviator in history. Brenda is a career Navy Pilot and a career Airline pilot. She now reaches out to schools and organizations to introduce students to “behind the scenes” aviation careers that create a buzz at her quarterly camps. See her interviews at: SuccessfulAttitude.com/media SuccessfulAttitude.com/media Commander Robinson has been a huge fan of the Traveling Space Museum for years and is now in the position to bring to every student in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties, including South Carolina, this spectacular hands on, interactive, extensive introduction to the space program. This program is a dream come true for Ivor Dawson, the founder, who sees our need for space enthusiasts only increasing with every year. YouTube Camp Experience YouTube Camp Experience The number of experienced engineers leaving the workforce will be almost impossible to replace without more young people interested in the Sciences Technology Engineering and Math. Grade school students of all ages from every school is welcome to participate. To put this program on at just one school alone would be cost prohibitive. To create this program for unlimited access, no cost to the schools, allows Aviation Camps of the Carolinas to bring in this “like minded, career exposure” theme, which will strike a cord with countless young people.
Exhibits open at 9:00 am. 10:00 AM -4:00 PM All Access Traveling Space Museum Traveling Space Museum arrives The Park Expo Conference Center Exhibits open at 9:00 am. 10:00 AM -4:00 PM All Access Traveling Space Museum Aviation Camps of the Carolinas is looking for partners interested in hosting STEM events April 1 st and 2nd, To learn more or to become an official event partner, please contact SuccessfulAttitude.com/contactSuccessfulAttitude.com/contact by March 1st, 2016 to have your event added to the Traveling Space Museum agenda, website and marketing materials. THU: FRI: SAT: SUN: After last Student Exhibits close Traveling Space Museum departs for home base After last Student Exhibits close Packed and moved to Central Cabarrus High School Spring Break April 1 st & 2 nd 2016 Aviation Camps of the Carolinas Inc. SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Last day of Spring Break
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Exclusive Title sponsorship of the TSM event High level branding presence at TSM event including entrance and exit banners Speaking opportunities between all TSM segments Booth at STEM show of talent Premier placement of company logo on all marketing materials, advertisements, and event signage, including t-shirts Ongoing social media mentions through TSM events and social media networks Speaking opportunity between two TSM segments each day Booth at STEM show of talent Social media mentions on Facebook and Twitter Placement of company logo on all marketing materials, advertisements, and event signage Verbal recognition throughout the TSM events Speaking opportunity at the TSM events Placement of company logo on all marketing materials, advertisements, and event signage Booth at STEM show of talent Verbal recognition throughout the TSM events $8,000 STRATOSPHERE SPONSOR $10,000 PLANETARY SPONSOR $15,000 ELITE SPONSOR SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Aviation Camps of the Carolinas Inc.
$2,000 JETSTREAM SPONSOR $1,500 ROCKET SPONSOR $5,000 SONIC BOOM SPONSOR Speaking Opportunity and booth at STEM show of talent Placement of company logo on all marketing materials, advertisements, and event signage Verbal recognition at all TSM events Booth at STEM show of talent Placement of company logo on all marketing materials, advertisements, and event signage Verbal recognition at all TSM events SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Social media mentions on Facebook and Twitter Booth at STEM show of talent Speaking opportunity at one of the TSM segments Placement of company logo on all marketing materials, advertisements, and event signage Verbal recognition at all TSM events SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Aviation Camps of the Carolinas Inc.
SPONSORSHIP RESERVATION FORM If you would like to sponsor a specific school, please indicate here: _______________________________________________ I agree to provide the sponsorship payment as indicated above. Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Aviation Camps of the Carolina’s hosting the Traveling Space Museum. To secure your sponsorship, please complete this form and it to Successful Attitude at by March 15, SPONSOR INFORMATION SPONSORSHIP LEVEL Organization Name: Contact Name: Mailing Address: Address: Sponsor SignatureDate ☐ Elite Sponsor - $15,000 ☐ Planetary Sponsor - $10,000 ☐ Stratosphere Sponsor - $8,000 ☐ Sonic Boom Sponsor - $5,000 ☐ Jetstream Sponsor - $2,000 ☐ Rocket Sponsor - $1,500 ☐ Other - $__________ SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Aviation Camps of the Carolinas Inc