WELCOME!! 22nd Collaborative Forum 15 th December 2014
Did you know…. VPCNPC has an Endnote NP library which is regularly updated. Categories include: -Standards and guidelines -NP role/ model in PC -NP + wider MDT -NP role in other settings -Prescribing -Leadership -If you would like to suggest other categories or have articles you would like added, please us Part of St Vincent’s Hospital and a Collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne
Forum dates for th March th June th August rd December 2015 All forums will be Education Centre, 3 rd Floor Healy Wing St Vincent’s Part of St Vincent’s Hospital and a Collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne
Combined collaborative meeting in August 2014: in review 48 attendees: NPs, NPCs, service managers from palliative care, oncology, older persons and chronic disease Panel/case discussion was a hit Evaluations overwhelmingly positive Suggestions for ‘next one’ Another panel, chronic disease, latest in pharmacology, open discussion forum, research Part of St Vincent’s Hospital and a Collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne
Joint VPCNPC & VPMTP sessions We plan to deliver three in 2015 Details tbc Suggestions for topics are very welcome Part of St Vincent’s Hospital and a Collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne
Enhancing care through excellence in education and research Palliative Care Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Practitioner Candidates activity around the state……. 16 Palliative Care Nurse Practitioners endorsed in Victoria 8 Nurse Practitioner Candidates currently in Victoria Sue Berry– congratulations on recent NP endorsement Kate Richardson – NPC withdrawn
Reminders VPCNPC Management Committee position Scope of practice documents Nurse Practitioner needs post endorsement Part of St Vincent’s Hospital and a Collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne
Bragging…you tell us and we will share! Quinn K, Hudson P. (2014) Establishing a nurse practitioner collaborative: evolution, development, and outcomes International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2014, Vol 20, No 9 Meg Harrison has presented at the Grampians Palliative Care training day on 27th October on the breathlessness clinic and at the Alfred Hospital, Victorian Respiratory Network Forum on 24th November. Meg Harrison also had a poster presentation at COSA on the ‘Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Cancer Cachexia Clinic’ Fiona McLeod: makes-a-difference gv95.html Age and the Sydney Morning Herald September http:// makes-a-difference gv95.html Michael Collins and Kathryn Bennett presented at the joint VPCNPC/VPMTP joint session, reflecting on their careers in palliative care. Part of St Vincent’s Hospital and a Collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne
Phone Fax Webwww.centreforpallcare.org PO Box 2900, Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia 6 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia Part of St Vincent’s Hospital and a Collaborative Centre of The University of Melbourne