Kingdom Protista -Algae - Protozoa -Like Fungi. Evolution of Protista  Prokaryotes – 3.5 billion years ago  Eukaryotes – 1.5 billion years ago  Protozoan.


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Presentation transcript:

Kingdom Protista -Algae - Protozoa -Like Fungi

Evolution of Protista  Prokaryotes – 3.5 billion years ago  Eukaryotes – 1.5 billion years ago  Protozoan thought to be descendents of first eukaryotes

 Algae – Phytoplankton  Producers !!!

Characteristics of Algae  Autotrophic  Often contain green pigments - chlorophyll

Structure of Algae  Thallus or body  Unicellular or multicellular  Colonial: Volvox  Filamentous: Spirogyra  Multicellular: Ulva  Asexual and sexual reproduction

1. Phylum Chlorophyta  Look familiar?

Continued…  Green algae  Many different forms  Choroplasts that contain chlorophyll a and b or carotenoids  Cell walls with cellulose


Colonial Chlorophyta

2. Phylum Bacillariophyta  Diatoms  Shells fit together like a box with a lid  Centric and pennate  Main component of phytoplankton

3. Phylum Dinoflagellata  Dinoflagellates  Small, unicellular  Most photosynthetic  Some bioluminescent

4. Phylum Chrysophyta  Golden algae  Most fresh water  Form cysts  2 flagella  Carotenoids give color  Important for formation of petroleum deposits

5. Phylum Euglenophyta  Euglenoids  Plant-like and animal-like characteristics  Many have cholorphyll and are photosynthetic  No cell wall, motile  Most live in fresh water

6. Phylum Phaeophyta  Brown algae  Marine  Seaweed and kelps  Cooler areas of ocean  Fucoxanthin pigment  Store food as laminarin  ALL multicellular  Stemlike stipe  Leaflike region called blade

7. Phylum Rhodophyta  Red algae but colors vary  Marine seaweeds  Smaller than brown algae and live in deeper waters  Phycobilins – pigment for absorbing light  Some coated with polysaccharide carageenan – cosmetics, gel capsules, cheeses  Agar – extracted from cell walls of red algae

PROTOZOARS – Zooplankton Primary Consumers

Characteristics  Single celled, microscopic  Move independently – named for mechanism of movement  65,000 species  Most heterotrophic  Free-living or parasitic  All capable of asexual reproduction through binary or multiple fission  Some reproduce sexually through conjugation

Sexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction  Binary  fission

Classification  Currently based on HOW they MOVE

4 Phyla of Protozoans  Sarcodina  Ciliophora  Zoomastigina  Sporozoa

Sarcodina  40,000 species  Amoebas  Pseudopodia – most move  Cytoplasmic streaming  Eat other protists Forams – sink to bottom and make limestone and chalk deposits Radiolaria Cause diseases like amoebic dysentary

Phylum Ciliophora  8,000 species  Move using cilia  Pellicle, oral groove, gullet, macronucleus, micronucleus  Paramecium

Phylum Zoomastigina  2,500 species  Move using flagella  Most free-living  Cause disease – zooflagellates  African trypanosomiasis – sleeping sickness – tsetse fly  Chagas Disease – kissing bug  Leishmaniasis – sand fly  Giardiasis

The tsetse fly – sleeping sickness vector

The Kissing Bug


Phylum Sporozoa  6,000 species  Carried in blood  Cause disease like toxoplasmosis and malaria