Science Fiction: What’s Sci Fi!? What do YOU think Sci Fi is?? What are some sub-types of SF books? Do you have any idea what these might be? Can you name two or three titles? We’ll check on your answers in a bit.
Science Fiction…let the adventure begin!
What’s a “genre?” A “genre” is a category of literature or other art form such as music. Can you think of some other genres? The ancient Greek philosophers, Aristotle and Plato, divided literature into three classifications: poetry, drama and prose. Let’s talk some more about Science Fiction.
What does the term imply? Sci Fi stories will always have some basis in actual Science, as extraordinary as that might be. Fiction, of course, tells us that the stories aren’t true, even though parts of them might be based on historical events. Can you think of an example of this?
…the “Others”… Other times (past, future) Other beings (altered humans, robots, aliens) Other worlds (alien environments, altered history) Other states of mind (telepathy, teleportation) Hard SF vs. Soft SF “Hard” SF authors have a strong scientific background, such as Isaac Asimov, Michael Crichton “Soft” SF writers are more literary, such as Tolkien, Verne, L’Engle.
At your table, share what you know… …take turns naming some SF titles…GO! Share with the rest of us… What are YOUR favorite stories?
Alternate RealityHunger Games, Fahrenheit 451, Golden Compass Alternate HistoryJurassic Park (ask yourself “what if”…what if the dino’s hadn’t died out) SatireBrave New World MilitaryEnders’ Game Parallel UniverseWheel of Time series, Chronicles of Narnia Far FutureStar Trek Post-ApocalypticThe Stand Space Opera Star Wars
Science Fiction: What’s Sci Fi!? Has some basis in Science Is a FICTION book…the story isn’t true What are some sub-types of SF books? Other times, beings, worlds, states of mind Time travel, far future, robots, etc. Can you name two or three titles? Let’s look at some titles now…
Andromeda Strain / Timeline / Jurassic Park / Michael Crichton Citizen of the Galaxy / R. Heinlein Dune / Michael Herbert Fahrenheit 451 / Ray Bradbury Flowers for Algernon / Daniel Keyes Hunger Games / Suzanne Collins I, Robot / Isaac Asimov 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea / J. Verne Martian Chronicles / Ray Bradbury On the Beach / Nevil Shute War of the Worlds / H.G. Wells Wrinkle in Time / M. L’Engle
Give a thumbs up / down / sideways: Science Fiction: What’s Sci Fi!? Has some basis in Science Is a FICTION book…the story isn’t true What are some sub-types of SF books? Other times, beings, worlds, states of mind Time travel, space opera, far future, robots Can you name two or three titles? Timeline, Fahrenheit 451, Dune, etc.
“I just read this great science fiction story. It’s about how machines take control of humans and turn them into zombie slaves!...HEY! What time is it?? My TV show is on!” –Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes cartoon strip) “How inappropriate to call this planet "Earth," when it is clearly "Ocean.” ― Arthur C. Clarke “Vampires are people too!” —Stephenie Meyer (Twilight series) “Never own more than you can carry in both hands at a dead run.” ― Robert A. Heinlein