Copper Bay Limited Presentation March 2014
Copper Bay Limited – Investor Presentation – March Overview A Chilean-focused resources company Holds exploitation licences and have applied for maritime concessions covering 15.25sqkm at Chañaral Bay where at least 116 million tonnes of copper tailings have been deposited on the beach. Copper Bay Limited plans to remove the copper from the tailings and therefore substantially reduce the toxic nature of this material. It is hoped that the revenue from the sale of the copper that is removed from the tailings will pay for the whole operation at Chañaral and reward our backers with a return on their investment. Economic value will be added to the natural and social environment by detoxifying the existing beach in Chañaral Because of the low grade of the tailings as compared with conventional copper projects our strategy is focussed on low operating and capital costs. Planned production is in 3 years from now
Copper Bay Limited – Investor Presentation – March Experienced Board and Management Harry Dobson Chairman A mining industry veteran, remains Director and/or Chairman of several exploration and mining companies. As Chairman of American Pacific Mining, he reopened the El Mochito zinc and silver mine in Honduras, and as Chairman of Kirkland Lake Gold, he put the Macassa gold mine back into production. Harry is also Chairman of Rambler Mining and Metals PLC with projects in Labrador and Newfoundland. Colin Hunter CEO Colin has a BSc and PhD in Metallurgy plus 26 years in the Industry giving him wide ranging experience in base and precious metals processing. He has held various senior positions including director of ASX listed Vital Metals Ltd. Markku Isohanni Chairman of Chilean subsidiaries Over 40 years’ experience in metals exploration and mining. Markku led Outokumpu’s international exploration effort during 1988 – He is also currently a Director of Belvedere Resources (TSX) and of Keliber Oy. Howard Nicholson Non-executive Director Over 30 years’ experience in the Mining Industry. Most recently responsible for the very Successful Kounrad copper project. Howard is a director of Central Asia Metals. James Grigg CFO Chartered Accountant with 30 years’ world wide experience. Previously MD of UBS Investment Bank in London. Mihailo Nenadovich Non-executive Director A Civil Engineer with 15 years’ experience in the Chilean Mining Industry. He is also Managing Director of Chilean mining company, Inversiones EM Dos Limitada. Juan Pasten General Manager Juan is a very experienced miner with over 40 years of experience in the Chilean Resources Industry having held numerous positions with different well respected mining companies..
Copper Bay Limited – Investor Presentation – March Project Funding Copper Bay Limited have recently secured a £2 million ($3.2 million) investment into the company to develop its project at Chañaral. The Investor is Central Asia Metals Ltd, a successful junior copper mining company listed on the London Stock Exchange CAML have a strong cash flow from their low cost copper waste treatment project in Kazakhstan and as such are in a position to fund the Chañaral project to completion. Copper Bay believes that CAML are the perfect partners to move this project forward.
Copper Bay Limited – Investor Presentation – March History of Chañaral Bay 1938 to 1975 the Potrerillos and El Salvador copper mines disposed of their tailings in the Rio Salado, which opens out into Chañaral Bay An estimated 250 million tonnes of tailings were discharged into the bay A further 100 million tonnes are estimated to have been discharged into the next bay a few kilometres to the North of Chañaral Several studies have been made of the beach at Chañaral but so far no workable solution to the pollution problem has been found. With current high copper prices and a new approach to processing however, Copper Bay believe they have the answer.
Copper Bay Limited – Investor Presentation – March Stage Development Stage 1 : Pre Feasibility Study – Main Studies - Plus or Minus 30-40% Accuracy Bulk Sampling in the beach for metallurgy laboratory testing Metallurgical testing to confirm the processing concept Resource definition drilling in the Beach and Surf zones Reclamation and Residue disposal studies Initial Social Studies Environmental Studies Complete Pre-feasibility Study in one year term. Stage 2 : Definitive Feasibility Study – Plus or Minus 15% Accuracy Further JORC compliant resource drilling Pilot plant campaign to finalise flow sheet and generate design parameters Detailed reclamation and residue disposal studies Further Environmental and social studies - Completion of Socio-Environmental Studies Land rights and Maritime Concessions Complete Definitive Feasibility Study, in one additional year.
Copper Bay Limited – Investor Presentation – March Thank You Copper Bay Limited 3 rd Floor, 11 Albemarle Street London W1S 4HH Tel: