Health Facts About Vitamin B12 Presented by Medical Supply liquidators
Introduction The purpose of this presentation is to briefly introduce vitamin B12 and highlight a few fun facts about this essential nutrient. Through this presentation you should receive a quick understanding of vitamin B12, its importance to our bodies, and further facts along the way.
What is Vitamin B12? Of all the vitamins, vitamin B12 has the most complex (also the largest) chemical structure. Also known as a cobalamin, what makes vitamin B12 so unique is that it contains a metal ion, cobalt. This essential nutrient helps the body’s nerve and blood cells remain healthy, it also helps to create the DNA in our cells.
Fact # 1 The amount of B12 that a person needs depends on their age. Below you will find the average daily recommended vitamin B12 intake: Life StageRecommended Amount Birth to 6 months0.4 mcg Infants 7-12 months0.5 mcg Children 1-3 years0.9 mcg Children 4-8 years1.2 mcg Children 9-13 years1.8 mcg Teens mcg Adults2.4 mcg Pregnant teens and women2.6 mcg Breastfeeding teens and women2.8 mcg
Fact # 2 Vitamin B12 is found naturally in a wide variety of animal foods and is added to some fortified foods. Recommended amounts of vitamin B12 can be found from the following food sources. Beef liver and clams, which are the best sources of vitamin B12. Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and other dairy products, which also contain vitamin B12. Some breakfast cereals, nutritional yeasts and other food products that are fortified with vitamin B12. To find out if vitamin B12 has been added to a food product, check the product labels.
Fact # 3 Intravenous administration of a prescribed form of vitamin B12 is a good way to treat those with a vitamin B12 deficiency. An alternative means is via a prescription nasal gel.
Fact # 4 Most people in the United States get enough vitamin B12 from the foods they eat. But some people have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 from food. As a result, vitamin B12 deficiency affects between 1.5% and 15% of the public. Your doctor can test your vitamin B12 level to see if you have a deficiency.
Fact # 5 There are some groups of people who have a higher chance of not getting enough vitamin B12 such as: People who have pernicious anemia Those who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery People who do not eat much, if any, animal foods including vegetarians and vegans Adults over the age of 50 whose stomach does not produce enough hydrochloic acid to absorb B12 from natural food
Closin g There are many things to learn about vitamin B12, matter of fact scientists, doctors, and nutritionists today are still researching the intricacies of this essential vitamin. However, one thing is for sure, it’s an important one that is beneficial to our health from birth and well into adulthood.
Contact Us At Medical Supply Liquidators, we strive to provide our customers with the highest quality home injection and medical supplies from the world’s most trusted brands. We carry professional quality supplies for administering insulin, B12 vitamins, vitamin B complexes, and other injectable medicines suitable for clinics, laboratories, and home use.