AGEISM Like sexism and racism, ageism is the belief that one age category is by nature superior to another age category See elderly stereotypes like: unproductive, cranky, physically/mentally impaired How often do we see elderly people pitching products not specifically meant for the elderly? Think about television and movies, how are the elderly characters often depicted? Are they really like this?
GRAYING OF AMERICA Today, there are approximately 606 Million people age 60 and older across the world! By 2050 – this number will have grown to almost 2 Billion!!!!! Europe – Average Age = 37.7 (oldest) Africa – Average Age = 18.4 (youngest) In America – 1/5 will be elderly (65 or older) Graying of America – the continued aging of the population and trend towards a rising percentage of elderly citizens 1.Advancements in Health Care – better living conditions 2.Variations in birth rates Baby-boom generation – Rise of birthrates following soldiers returning home after WWII (followed by a decrease in birthrates) George Carlin loves them - stop at 1:50
Characteristic Aged in millions and older in millions as percent of the population 10%12%13% Total Male Female White African-American
AGING POLITICS By sheer numbers, the elderly have become a major force and topic of politics AARP – American Association of Retired Persons – largest special- interest group in the United States, provide many services including financial advice, health insurance plans, prescription drug discounts Social Security - Will it last?Will it last? Funded by payroll or income taxes on workers, employers, and self-employed (current workers provide money for retired people) Declining Birthrates + Increased Life Expectancy = What problem? Dependency Ratios 1960 – 5: – 3: – 2:1
MEDICARE/MEDICAID Elderly are also most likely to be in poor health situations Medicare – government sponsored health-insurance play for elderly Americans Medicaid – government sponsored health-insurance for low- income Americans Serves as the sole source of health insurance for ¼ of the elderly population Solutions: Raise retirement age Cutting benefit amounts Increase taxes Privatize retirement/insurance
KEY VOCABULARY Ageism Graying of America Baby-Boom Generation Dependency Ratio Medicare Medicaid